weird buzzing, help!!!


New member
hey guys, whenever i play D or G string open :oops: , no seriously, my G string, theres a weird buzzing sound coming from the headstock 8O .any idea what it is? when i hold the Tuning peg of either E string there is no buzz. is the peg at resonance with the higher frequencies?must be cos when i tune my E string to Eb the buzz occurs. any ideas how to fix it? besides playing with 1 hand and holding the tuning peg with the other :lol:
i think he's referring to his PRS SE...

it's rather normal for tuners to rattle; listen closely to your guitar, tell us it's not a nut-buzz 8)
i checked all the tuner screws and their all tight......that means?what else could it be? yeap, using my PRS Se,haha.
nope, still using the same strings that came with the guitar. i was adjusting the action like mad thinking it was the string that was buzzing haha.upon closer inspection i realised it wasnt the string but somewhere on the headstock,lol.
You mean "G" string, I am guessing here you are not playing your guitar but playing something else :lol: :lol: Sorry, it is just too tempting :lol: :lol:
Dude, don't luk at the head but check ur nuts! Sori I cudn't help either! :lol:

Ok, seriously you either have a nut slot problem or it just happens that your guitar resonates at that pitch. To check if it's a resonance issue simply play that same note on different strings throughout the neck and see if that buzz still happens. If it doesn't then u'll like have a nutty problem. Hope this helps. :)
i think its a loose washer or sumthing on one of his tuners- vibrating with the guitar and rattling against its other metal counterparts to form a sort of buzz... it happens all the time...
dod you check the truss rod area? there is a nut there might come off loose as its loosen too much.
Tuner screws as in the one holding the pegheads or the ones holding the machine heads. Both must be sufficiently tight anyway. Check for sympathetic resonance from your truss rod cover as well.
like i said earlier it resonates at around Eb, lol. i tuned my e string to Eb and it buzzes,lol.if it was a loose nut problem then if i play the other strings it would buzz oso but i doesnt so iguess its resonance so how,lol.

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