weird A string


New member
yo, i asked last time bout the weird probs my bass is facing. So i decided to took it for a set up since it wasn't set up before ever since i bought it.
but after setting up, i came home and try and realised that my A string still sounds weird. It's not sustaining. the sound decays almost immediately after i play it,

does anyone know what's going on?
i'll try to post a vid of the sound lah, the diff comes out extremely clear when i'm trying to slap the string.

any help is appreciated.=]=]

hmm does the A string sound weird when you fret it or when you just pluck it on its own?

sounds like a bridge or saddle problem to me.
Are the strings old? Could be a dead string.

String it up w/new strings and see what happens.
Might also wanna check for any dirt/gunk at the nut & saddles.
the strings are newly changed but i dunno if the strings are old or wat lah, but i doubt it's the bridge/ saddle prob since it was set-up before already,

i'll try to find a new string though, anyone noes where they sell it seperately?
and yeah the string's sound weird even without fretting
hmm change the strings and see whether the problem resurfaces. if so then maybe it's the nut, as mentioned.