Wedding line-up looking for multi-competent


New member
As above. We're looking for an additional member to an existing trio (vocals+guitar, keys and drums) who does wedding songs and events.
Genres include classics, ever-green, popular wedding songs as well as jazz.

Bassist must:
1) have some kind of live experience, not necessarily wedding
2) be good if you can play double-bass, when a pure acoustic lineup is needed
3) be good if you can double-up as a classical/acoustic guitar player in certain situations.

We're looking for someone preferably btw 18-30, and someone who can stay committed to a line-up.
Not for those who are going into NS, nor those working overseas in the near future.
SMS to 81003255

P.S: We practise once, usually on weekends (Fri/Sat evenings) in central part of Singapore.
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