Ways to wire a pickup with volume control only


New member
Hi guys,

I'm interested to find out what are some of the techniques used to wire a pickup with the volume knob only, on most guitars you've got the standard vol + tone control showing but take for e.g. the Fender Jim Root Tele here.. (not a Slipknot fan though but good guitar ref)


Does this mean that the tone control is set to a desired level but hidden?

Thanks in advance!
if theres no pot with the cap wired for tone, thats means thats no way to control the tone

the potentiometer with the capacitor wired for tone control is the one that control the tone. When you turn down the tone pot, you are shunting the high frequency to ground, via the capacitor. Turning the pot down more, you are allowing more highs to go to ground. Thus makin the sound more muffle/dark/which ever way others call it.

No pot with the cap, that means there no ways to control the thing.

if wanna just a volume pot only with no tone control, then you just take the wire coming out from the volume pot, go straight to the output jack tip and solder it.

in words form, its something like this

pickup wires---->selector switch----> vol pot----> output jack.

The tone control if any will be between the vol pot and output jack usually
Thanks PatheinRaindropMoe!

This really clears things up for me, I'm usually cool with guitars the way they are so I don't open them up but I'm recently wanting to experiment more to try and see if I can get a full "open" pickup sound with a one pickup P-90 guitar. Thanks!
oh, can try a push pull for the vol put and wire it such that when the push pull not activated, the geetar signal is route to the vol pot where volume can be controlled.

Pull up the push pull, route the signal directly to output jack, without any vol control

Theres a similar wiring on a sugizo signature geetar where the vol pot is bypass totally via a toggle switch.

heh, no tone or vol pot, rock out to the max with the geetar signal going straight to output