wat is the best wahwah pedal?


New member
basically im contemplating between the jim dunlop and morley(coz steve vai uses morley) ha, but im sure there are several others out there which are prob jus as good.

jimdunlop looks kinda tough to abuse, but there are so many different models to choose from, can any wah-experienced guitarist advise?

i also know some got spring to return to default, some dont? so again im confused..

and finally , where is the place to go for the best pricing deal?
never invest in a product by virtue of its endorser. if you like it, then it's a coincidence, otherwise, pick the one which serves your needs & adds to tone.
ya agree sub, thats why i need to know which is the more common used one, or rather more acceptable one, i guess the majority choice cannot be wrong.
I can only say that I have been playing(genre) 70's rock :Hendrix,Grand Funk,etc, with a bit of GNR for many many years in a coverband and I have been using Jim Dunlop wahs since 1994.

My present Wah is a Wizard Wah from RealMcCOyCustoms and there is a big noticable difference in terms of how vocal it is and how great having a true bypass wah is when it comes to deterioration of tone..

Try it and see for yourself when you A/B it.

I'm just letting you know of the options available. :D

Ask Shredcow about Morley cos I think he used to own it before too.

Cheers! :D
notchjohnson said:
ya agree sub, thats why i need to know which is the more common used one, or rather more acceptable one, i guess the majority choice cannot be wrong.
majority choice cant really say it all

sometimes everyone likes it but you dont... then why bother? its still up to you and your ears at the end of the day
best to hear all pedals in use. i've tried many but my current admiration goes to Ibanez's Weeping Demon...

snuffleupagus said:
Ask Shredcow about Morley cos I think he used to own it before too.

I used a Bad Horsie 2.
Its a nice wah, modern voiced, not vomitty. A Crybaby is usually more vomitty sounding.

Compared to conventional wahs, the BH2 doesn't have as much a traditional tone, not so much depth to it too. BUt it work for metal. Its convenient.

Do a search in this forum, i did a lonnnnnng review on it.
The Multi wah :lol:

To achive the best wah ...a microphone is needed !! 8O

and a male cat in heat !! :lol:
there's also a review on budwah... basically, u can separate wah's into 2 catgories...

one of them being the vitnage sounding ones and the other is the modern voicing ones...

which suits u best?
Dunlop wahs are more trebly whereas Morley are more middish. Tried both before, and got a Dunlop as i dig the trebly voice they give. davis has both of them so you can compare them side by side and decide.
try at davis?!?!

i rather not.

im jus a pathetic looking fella who dun hv much cash in my pocket, dun want to be scrutinised lah....

thanks for the advise anyway..
notchjohnson said:
try at davis?!?!

i rather not.

im jus a pathetic looking fella who dun hv much cash in my pocket, dun want to be scrutinised lah....

thanks for the advise anyway..
no la... give it a try... i think they changed their attitudes bout this with so many constructive feedbacks from this forum...
Do consider the Teese RMC series, available @ MrMisse.

TyMusic stocks the Budda Wah.

They might be more costly than the average crybaby, but they tend to rock boats so much harder.

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