
New member
hey softies !

i went to guitar77 recently , and i tried a washburn WB66 bass. somehow to me its like a very good bass for its sound and feel. anyone has any other comments or feedback on this bass or the brand itself. love to know as much as possible about it because i thought of purchasing it soon so best to gather as much knowledge. i tried looking for reviews on it but smehw there is none. :cool:thanks

at one point in time i really GASed this model. the specs look really good, and it's a beaut. i got my hands on it when i went to ishibashi (YEAH THE STORE MOFOS) but i hate to judge the tone of a bass by trying it out in a store. too many variables i cant control.

you should go for it. then you will be the expert authority when it comes to this bass :D

if you looked a bit harder you should be able to find something. it's called the idol bass. most reviews i read have been warm
hey thanks shinobi. yep i found one review.. its from a magazine. hmm i guess this bass is the right choice.hmmm anyone else?
One qn. Have u considered about the weight factor?

Other than that, u can check out the reviews online. I wish I could own that bass too. It has really nice tone and the aesthetics is very appealing.
oh yup. its quite heavy.hahaha. but not as bad as my current TGM. i think my tgm is far wrost. so yea shld be alrite...haha.
The one I played felt low and fast. I can't comment on the sound because it was in a music store playing through strange gear. But is was the red color that caught my eye. Not bad for an all mahogany guitar but kind of heavy.