warwicks are picky


New member
Ok. i finally needed to change the strings on my 1 year old warwick corvette (strings been there on longer hanging on that swee lee wall i think).

i got some dean markley strings hoping to put some life into my dying warwick. got home, took out the warwick black label strings that have really turned black-ish, and put on the new strings.

bugger. the beautiful 2 piece bridge doesnt want to accept the .128 B string. it only wants tapered end ones.

warwick owners got any comments? and any other set of strings they use that fits into that bridge?
the people on the warwick forum mention that they
either flatten the string end with a pliers
or they file out the slot slightly bigger so
other brands of string can fit.
Bro, you can try looking for this. My guess is that it'll be difficult to find but at least the brand is not uncommon.
For the Fender one, I managed to buy the last pack (and that was probably 1 year ago!)
Good luck!

Contemporary bass players, as well as bass makers, who demand a tapered core string to enable modern bass playing techniques, will be delighted by the superior performance Long Necks tapered core bass strings deliver. Today's 4, 5, and 6 string bass players searching for increased stability in the lower registers will find great clarity and definition with DR's tapered bass strings. DR taper-cores use a single wrap around a hex core as the narrow winding passes over the bridge.

Fender 8250M Super Bass Medium Strings
It would be hard to beat Fender 8250 Super Bass Strings for intonation and balance. These unique bass strings are wound on a round core with a tapered winding on the E and B strings. The medium 8250M strings are designed to fit Fender's string-thru-body basses.
ratboy: tried flattening the end of the dean markley strings but couldnt squeeze hard enough to make the edge squeeze into the bridge slot. i would have tried filing away as well cept that my dad will kill my if he finds out.

trek: thx for the help. i've got the DR longnecks but the tapered ends come out past the bridge to the playing area. wonder if this affects the tone some.

vernplum: the reason why i didn't get the warwick strings are because they came stock with the black label ones on my warwick. i wanted to experiment with different tones i could bring out of my warwick than just play with only one type of string.


As i removed my old strings, the thin plastic part at the nut area holding the Adjust-a-nut II in place broke off. soon the other side broke off as well. right now it's being held together in place with loctite. hope i can put pics up soon. its a real hardbreaker but the warwick is still playable. Hope warwick owners are careful of their nuts (pun not intended =D) when swapping out their strings.

looks like i have to get a bell brass nut fixed on now.
just read that thread link you gave me ratboy. wow. if they send those new nuts to swee lee, i wonder if they'll even bother distributing those to us.

and for free.