Wanted where? 15V (400mA minimum) unregulated power supply


New member
Hi everyone, I am looking for the above power supply for my Tonebone
Hot British. The one that was supplied cant seem to power up the pedal. Help pls. Anyone???
Re: Wanted where? 15V (400mA minimum) unregulated power supp

Try contacting Hung Brother's at Sim Lim or MrMisse. Perhaps they can sell you the power supply separately.
Bring it back to where you bought it from and get them to exchange a working one for you. It should be working out of the box.
First, if you bought it new, bring it back to the dealer.

If that fails, you have 2 options:
1) Try to get one power supply yourself and try (Risky, might fry your effect beyond repair)
2) Seek professional help from some one qualified. (you can try me, I repair amps and such)
