Hi Trasher, interesting view you have there but do understand how show promoters work before lashing out.
It might be true that promoters some times stand to benefit from sponsorships but that's how shows of this scale work these days. Think not just about how shows are being promoted but also how much you pay at the door and who you're watching. In this case, you're paying S$35 - 55 to watch an American hard core band. You'd have to pay the equivalent in USD if you're to watch them in their home country.
Think about air fares, think about their crew and all kinds of travel and logistic costs to bring down a touring band and still priced point at a reasonable tag. If the show promoter manage to garner enough audience, then he's safe from the red and probably like what you said stand to "benefit", but only after all that effort.
Maybe it's how shows are being promoted that you're feeling uneasy about. But living in the capitalist system also mean that nothing comes for free. Hardcore projects these days seem to be a business enterprise cos we don't get things for free, especially in Singapore. Bands don't travel around the world based on handshakes but dollars and contracts cos handshakes don't pay the venue rental, the air fares and hotel charges

Everything is about economics these days.
Of cos, we can always argue that we have a choice to not make selling and buying such a big part of our hardcore but to have a show at this scale, this seems to be the best way to go without losing your life savings. I'm sure this statement would anger lots of TRUE hardcore kids out there but hey, to be reading this you most prolly have your parents pay Singtel or Starhub some good money every month for the internet. That's pretty hardcore. So quit whining and start doing something positive, like start a zine and organize a small DIY show. Then, you'll start relating everything to economics

I'm speaking from a show organizer point of view and judging from the turn out at the Comeback Kid show, I don't think the organizers made significant revenue. Do note that I'm not a part of the organizing committee. Just highlighting what it takes to put together a show.
cool..wah propaganda machine must have make 'some' from the comeback kid show huh..
but too bad still not hardcore enough.
promoter may benefit from corporate labels/sponsors.
but are the bands??
made used of maybe..
keep hardcore as it is.
In the underground, integrity lies within
in the underground, image doesn't mean a thing
when the substance lacks it's plain for all to see
if the deal is right then respect is where it should be.
For the fakes and frauds it's a lovelovelovelovelovelovelove fashion show
total compromise will have them sell their soul.
all the negative all the useless influence
all the emptiness all the violent detriment
makes no sense...
Please have more to give than fashion and images
please have more to give than fashion and images
Caught up in a trap of media crap that's no way to live
Caught up in a trap of media crap so little to give
Caught up in a trap of media crap that's no way to live
Caught up in a trap of media crap so little to give
In the underground, integrity lies within
in the underground, image doesn't mean a thing
we can do away with this negativity
it's a golden day we can force them to stepdoWN