WALLS OF JERICHO! Live in Singapore!

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Tickets Go On Sale Monday!


Latest poster!

Tickets go on sale this coming Monday (19 May) which happens to be a public holiday! So no frickin excuse for most of yah coz you not working or schooling!

This is "corporate" HxC...
More than 100,000 people died in the Myanmar cyclone,
another 10,000+ people got crushed to death in the Sichuan earthquake
and we are arguing about this, again?
Oh plz get a life... itz beginning to sound boring..... yawn!
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cool..wah propaganda machine must have make 'some' from the comeback kid show huh..

but too bad still not hardcore enough.

promoter may benefit from corporate labels/sponsors.

but are the bands??

made used of maybe..


keep hardcore as it is.


In the underground, integrity lies within
in the underground, image doesn't mean a thing
when the substance lacks it's plain for all to see
if the deal is right then respect is where it should be.

For the fakes and frauds it's a lovelovelovelovelovelovelove fashion show
total compromise will have them sell their soul.
all the negative all the useless influence
all the emptiness all the violent detriment
makes no sense...

Please have more to give than fashion and images
please have more to give than fashion and images

Caught up in a trap of media crap that's no way to live
Caught up in a trap of media crap so little to give
Caught up in a trap of media crap that's no way to live
Caught up in a trap of media crap so little to give

In the underground, integrity lies within
in the underground, image doesn't mean a thing
we can do away with this negativity
it's a golden day we can force them to stepdoWN
This is Corporate Hardcore!!!

YEAH!!! SICK OF IT ALL!!! but quoting from another "corporate hardcore" band?

Yeah made a pile from CBK so we wanna make more or else why do again, right?

Yeah we forced the bands to play at gunpoint and threatened to kill their whole families. We also lied, cheated and didn't honour our payments to them. But too bad lah. What to do? Poor bands got made use of but this is corporate hardcore!

Either you pull that "being more hardcore" stick still up your ass and move on or you got some personal issues with me u not happy about? Dun use the music as an excuse to hide your real agenda.

BTW speaking about "intergrity", "keeping it real", "friendship" and all that hardcore rethoric... who the f**k r u hiding behind the PC? So tiz is what "being real" is about?

If u go it something to say then say it in front of me.... cheeby puki tiangs like u dun contribute anything but negative comments tat poisons people's minds & stunt the scene's growth.

SPIT MY RAGE (ON YOU)!!! Arghh.... pui!!!

Mr +VE65, you are doing a good job on putting out shows...and there will always be people like Trasher trying to knock someone like you down cuz of their own philosophies..a simple matter of clashing of interests...i think Trasher has the right to speak out, and perhaps even further that expression with some hateful cartoons and all....but lovelovelovelove it...the show is not meant for this one person alone. People like Trasher who are overly judgmental and self-righteous will forever be discontented with how things are as long as it's not done their way..which in their eyes is the only right, one way. Basically, pure elitism.
I'd say just lovelovelovelove it, and let everyone say and express their views. End of the day, you still are going to put up a kickass HARDCORE show for hardcore kids here in Singapore, whereby I would like to believe that at least 9 out of 10 kids out there are not the type being too busy over being politically-correct over this and that..and would just wanna come and support and enjoy the show. The band performing is a hardcore band. That means a band that is intelligent (not likely they will be made used of just like that..) and has strong messages to share. Kids are going to support your show, Mr +VE65, and they will do so because they want to listen and experience the band(s).
Trasher will carry on sharing personal views and probably not attend this or any other show that you will ever do.
Whatever it is, the show will still go on.

PS: Bad timing for me.. I'll be in Australia...
Hi Trasher, interesting view you have there but do understand how show promoters work before lashing out.

It might be true that promoters some times stand to benefit from sponsorships but that's how shows of this scale work these days. Think not just about how shows are being promoted but also how much you pay at the door and who you're watching. In this case, you're paying S$35 - 55 to watch an American hard core band. You'd have to pay the equivalent in USD if you're to watch them in their home country.

Think about air fares, think about their crew and all kinds of travel and logistic costs to bring down a touring band and still priced point at a reasonable tag. If the show promoter manage to garner enough audience, then he's safe from the red and probably like what you said stand to "benefit", but only after all that effort.

Maybe it's how shows are being promoted that you're feeling uneasy about. But living in the capitalist system also mean that nothing comes for free. Hardcore projects these days seem to be a business enterprise cos we don't get things for free, especially in Singapore. Bands don't travel around the world based on handshakes but dollars and contracts cos handshakes don't pay the venue rental, the air fares and hotel charges :) Everything is about economics these days.

Of cos, we can always argue that we have a choice to not make selling and buying such a big part of our hardcore but to have a show at this scale, this seems to be the best way to go without losing your life savings. I'm sure this statement would anger lots of TRUE hardcore kids out there but hey, to be reading this you most prolly have your parents pay Singtel or Starhub some good money every month for the internet. That's pretty hardcore. So quit whining and start doing something positive, like start a zine and organize a small DIY show. Then, you'll start relating everything to economics :) Oops.

I'm speaking from a show organizer point of view and judging from the turn out at the Comeback Kid show, I don't think the organizers made significant revenue. Do note that I'm not a part of the organizing committee. Just highlighting what it takes to put together a show.

cool..wah propaganda machine must have make 'some' from the comeback kid show huh..

but too bad still not hardcore enough.

promoter may benefit from corporate labels/sponsors.

but are the bands??

made used of maybe..


keep hardcore as it is.


In the underground, integrity lies within
in the underground, image doesn't mean a thing
when the substance lacks it's plain for all to see
if the deal is right then respect is where it should be.

For the fakes and frauds it's a lovelovelovelovelovelovelove fashion show
total compromise will have them sell their soul.
all the negative all the useless influence
all the emptiness all the violent detriment
makes no sense...

Please have more to give than fashion and images
please have more to give than fashion and images

Caught up in a trap of media crap that's no way to live
Caught up in a trap of media crap so little to give
Caught up in a trap of media crap that's no way to live
Caught up in a trap of media crap so little to give

In the underground, integrity lies within
in the underground, image doesn't mean a thing
we can do away with this negativity
it's a golden day we can force them to stepdoWN
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ok..ok will listen to RIA FM..

maybe can checkout them hxc bands songs as well..
and win some prize.
dude try 93.3fm.

get some local chinese band..more crowd..
ok..ok will listen to RIA FM..
dude try 93.3fm.
get some local chinese band..more crowd..

Yeah Mr Trasher.... u bet we're gonna work with more Chinese (or Indian or Martian.....) bands in the future. You also gotta problem with that?

But more importantly, a whole lotta thanks to those who posted about the realities of doing a show in SIN.

I know Thrasher has a right to say what he wants but say it responsibly and if he (or she?) is so "hardcore" then no need to hide behind his computer.

Ok... this topic ends here. I promise myself not to start tiz shit again but if people continue to spread nonsense, then I have to set the record straight..... FORGIVE but NEVER FORGET!!!
eh wah lau.

want to go, go.

don't want to go, don' go.

like, go.

don't like, don't go, shut up.

why make things complicated?

world peace.
New WOJ Poster!

Latest poster from FRIDAY CLOTHING!!!


Tickets are out! Contact the stores, reps or bands!

Not enough mollah? No worries! Pay a minimum deposite of $5 and the balance at the door! BOOK NOW to "chope" the $35 tickets!

If you are a full time student or serving the nation. Just flash your student card or 11B to enjoy a $3 concession.

Thats $32 a ticket!!! (Concession only available at MONO+ and MACHINE shops)
ok..ok will listen to RIA FM..

maybe can checkout them hxc bands songs as well..
and win some prize.
dude try 93.3fm.

get some local chinese band..more crowd..

you racist or something? chinese band? anything wrong with a band of chinese musicians?

Don't get me wrong, I understand that you have chosen an alternative lifestyle, but for the rest of us, we still have to fit into society somehow. Music for us would be our own little way of rebellion and escape. Well for me anyway.

This scene doesn't feel like theres unity anymore, and everyone seems to wanna be somebody/something.

Just saying.
I have no problems taking money from corporations. Its about how you use the money.

Greedy suits and ties they might be, but at least they have money to help out the needy. (if they do)

"I have not changed my views
but every band reports the same news
so let them tell you punks not dead
maybe they can get ahead
is that the subject you wanna hear
nothing's changed but the years
don't wanna repeat someone else's lines
that's such a waste of time"

can't expect +ve65 to bear a loss everytime a band comes right? not enough people go what.
Unless concerts start working in another way. Like gather up everyone who wanna go then divide the cost, I don't think things will change anytime soon.

The computers we use, the broadband we subscribe to, the money we could have given to an orphanage or an old folks home but we used to get our latest favourite CD, the electricity we use that contributes to global warming, the list goes on.. and im guilty of alot of things.

I just don't get how we can always be looking at everything but ourselves. Change starts from you. Do something that really matters instead of squabbling over music. Music is supposed to be an escape, it is freedom of expression.

Don't make it become another obstacle or wall that divides people.
so quick to criticize,
but slow to realize,
no one cares for your advice!
you're just a jerk in everyone's eyes!

you're talking a lot,
but don't say much,
man, did you even have the chain of thought,
as such?

before you put your foot in your mouth,
think again!
keep that negative shit to yourself!

say it how it is,
but think again!
sometimes you say it best when you say nothing at all!

bros, any band that will come no matter how good or bad how big or small,
people will still be selfish and ignorant instead of being positive and supportive.
because that is the nature of the singapore scene.
they will be very negative and still complain about the scene.
they are the ones that are the problem.
instead of fighting for what they preach about they just complain.
because it is cool to say these things. to sound tough and to let people know you know a lot about the music.
a lot of knowledge.
but now, man, knowledge doesn't mean shit.
what bands you know doesn't mean shit to me.
it doesn't prove your integrity.
cos there's wikipedia and myspace to tell you everything.
so nowadays.
integrity is based on what you do for your friends which is the scene.
this guy is spending thousands for a party for his friends and you guys shouldn't shit on his face like this.
hardcore is about friendship and having fun more than it is about what you know.
so stop dissing.
it doesn't make you cooler or give you street cred.
especially when people don't even know who's behind the screen.

love not hate.
accept, don't just tolerate.

don't like what i'm saying?
talk to me outside i'm happy to debate in reality not in cyberspace.
Well, oh well. Cutsick and WOJ. Try to make it for both of them. Appreciate ahh. Besides, the bands that are opening for WOJ such as subtle revenge and my precious have been playing in diy gigs. It's rather contradicting having diy kids flaming on the commercial value of this event though. Well, hopefully, the timeslots for woj and cutsick wont clash.
OK...basically to sum it all up, Mr+65 is a corporate business man who's gonna be like Donald Trump from Walls of Jericho's show here (and some even say the recent CBK's show), Mr Trasher is a racist fella who likes RIA FM whatever and not anything that has to do with +65 (race and flyer design included), and Mr Feroze is telling you all to go eat a fat one (and I agree with him)...

Anyhow, back to the main topic of this thread..
Walls of Jericho is a good, current Hardcore band..the opening acts are some top-notch local hardcore acts...please spread the word and support the show...the promoter is gonna be putting out more international hardcore acts soon..please show some love...
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