Wah wah pedals


New member
Hmm...can someone give me a brief description of what kind of sounds different wah wah pedals make?

I only discovered that the Jimi hendrix wah pedal orginal thomas design makes more water like and agile wahs.

Slash's jim dunlop pedal makes broader sounds and sometimes sounds like someones crying. Sigh sooo many pedals dunno what to choose. :roll:
yehhh rawk on... RMC is the way to go.. he can make the wahs sound like vomit n pierce ur ear till they freaking bleed.. oh well that's jus in the movies.. by then u'd really need gd compressors so as to not hurt anyone in your neighbourhood..
44ofjuly said:
heres a article on wah wah pedals, the history. As for soundclips, maybe a check on the individual site shud have it. Its kinda hard to describe tone in words.


Imho, there might not be any best wah around. Its all up to the player. But to most, pehaps RMC wah is one of the best and Geoffrey Teese is the man to look for, when concerning wah wah pedal.


where can i find RMC wahs in singapore? Beez suggested that i get a jimi hendrix wah from the yamaha shop..but not sure if its the same as the one from swee lee.
so far no one brings in RMC as yet.. u can try posting on luther to see if there r any used ones lying around..

i have a jimi hendrix wah special to let go, it's not the best of wah out there but it's condition is really good.. u can come my place to try it if u want.. or i have a stall next saturday n u can drop by..
The JH-1 has modify circuit to sound fatter than normal wah wah. I think it'll not sound nice in amp which has a small diameter speaker. My JH-1 used to buzz with my 15 watt amp but after i change to DSL 401, the problem is gone.

I would recommend you try to get the crybaby classic with fasel. Real sweet sound. Or if you're going for a steve Vai's wah wah sound, get a morley bad horsie. All nice wah wah.

hofner said:
Slash's jim dunlop pedal makes broader sounds and sometimes sounds like someones crying. Sigh sooo many pedals dunno what to choose. :roll:

I believe slash uses a rackmount wah wah. I don't think you gonna buy that...
If you gotta buy a wah, I'd recommend you spend a bit more on either a RMC or a Fulltone Clyde or Fulltone Clyde Deluxe.

The quality of the vocal tone is quite different from some of the generic wahs and they sound good either thru a clean amp or distorted.

I personally play a Fulltone Clyde Deluxe wah.

If you wann check these out, please enquire with Singapore's new dealer,MrMisse.
Just a short word, the above wahs work great for clean to semi-dirty.

For all-out-distortion, the Morley wahs may be the better suited pedal for this purpose.

Pick the wah that suits your type of music best.