wah pedal problem


New member

Hey all,

i just got a wah pedal (535Q0 and it seems that when i rock the pedal backwards, i get very little/soft sound coming from the amplifier especially when i play the higher strings whereas when i rock the pedal forwards, the volume increases by a lot. it seems as though when im rocking my pedal backwards im muting my guitar. i get the same effect when i use my distortion pedal. however, this effect is greatly reduced when i use my amp's in built overdrive instead. is there any problem with my wah pedal?
No issue. Its like that.

If you listen to how a wah pedal works... its apparent that when you step back, the treble is reduced, and when you toe down, the treble comes in. In a "wah" sound.

So on cleans, your treble gone = well, treble gone! You don't have the compression that distortion brings about, which would have made the treble-cut less apparent.

so do i have to get a compressor to reduce the effect? cos somehow i cant seem to get the sound that i usualy hear on the radio eg. Sweet child of mine solo etc. cos those solos dont seem to change in volume when the wah pedal is rocked..

thanks btw :)
If you guys have a wah pedal that can control the 'sweep' or whatever you call it. Then you would be able to control how much of treble will be filtered when you toe down and vice versa. So the volume increase wont be that drastic.
as for sweet child.. the wah in that solo is a very 'mild' wah. correct me if im wrong..

so do i have to get a compressor to reduce the effect? cos somehow i cant seem to get the sound that i usualy hear on the radio eg. Sweet child of mine solo etc. cos those solos dont seem to change in volume when the wah pedal is rocked..

thanks btw :)


Use gain/overdrive/distortion.

When I mentioned compression above, its the compression that comes in when you are using distortion.

Guitar to wah to drive pedals / amp.

Just turn up the gain.
hey.. i have the same problem as u when i play the sweet child solo.. btw im using the vox 847 wah

yeah ive been trying to solve the problem ever since i bought my wah. im gna try shredcows method. btw, if u have any solutions to this problem pls pm me thanks dude :)
Thing is, a wah is a pedal... just like any other pedal, its got to be connected the "right" way.

You got 2 things that don't change - Guitar & Amp.

Guitar ------------ Amp

Whatever is inbetween, it is up to you, in whichever order you prefer OR whichever order works best.

So a wah... usually, wah's come first in the chain. So after the guitar, let's put the wah there. Then you stack on everything else... dirt, modulation, delay, etc etc and what do you end with? The Amp.

So experiment. I can assure you, it is not rocket science... and I'm not doubting your ability - everyone has a first time. Just take your time, plonk the wah in different places, till you think you got something nice.

Now, on to the wah itself. How does it work? You seem to know, rock it back and forth. Correct? Use it on clean... the extremes seem to cut off a lot of treble/add vol/other un-necessary, un-likeable stuff. The 535Q is an immensely tweakable wah - go tweak. Read manuals. Search reviews online... yadda yadda.

You'll find some things:

1) Some settings work on cleans, but seem a little weak on dirt
2) Some settings don't work on cleans, but work nice on dirt
3) There are yet some settings that seem to capture the best of both worlds but... its just not "IT" in either case.

Again, this isn't rocket science. Don't worry, don't be afraid to tweak - in fact, spend the time to tweak. An hour. 2 hours. Just sit there and play.

*Hint* Stick to either clean or drive, then tweak the wah till you find some nice settings.

Remember, the wah is an EXPRESSIVE thing - recall that Sweet Child solo. What does the wah remind you of? A human... singing. That's the thing. You need to be able to control the wah so it is able to express itself, like how we sing, like how we word things. Except its with a guitar this time.

So, since it is expressive, you can't sit there, turn the wah on, then leave it in one position right?

As you toe down on it, you get a "wahhhhh" and it gets more trebly, more pronounced at the end of the sweep. Lean back and you get a more "ooooahh" kind of bassy thing... so work that wah as you tweak.

If you don't know how to wah, then simple, do it like kirk hammet first. Just rock the wah back and forth in a fixed rhythm.

Thereafter, when you get better, its time to explore making vocal expressions out of your guitar...

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