Vox AC4TV and MG15 very common in 'sell' page


New member
Hi all,

Have been hunting for a second-hand amp on soft, and I find that these two amps, the Vox AC4TV and the Marshall MG15 seem to be very common in the 'sell' page, and often going pretty well below the market rate too. Is there a reason for this? Are they
  • actually very poor amps
  • actually very unreliable/faulty amps
  • very good/popular 'beginner' amps that are commonly sold when upgrading
  • just highly distributed in sg due to good supply from importers
  • any other reason?

Keen to know, thanks.
i have ac4tv 10 inch combo. its not great but it sounds sweet except too bright at times n distorts easily.

actually very poor amps
- For the price and country of origin, we shouldn't really expect much.

actually very unreliable/faulty amps
- I wouldn't say that. I dare say they last longer compared to the amps in the more expensive range.

very good/popular 'beginner' amps that are commonly sold when upgrading
- very popular yes. very good, I can get cheaper amps to do the same job.

just highly distributed in sg due to good supply from importers
- yes.

any other reason?
- branded goods at cheap prices? an average consumer would base on those 2 factors to get something.

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