Vocalists wanted for self-production of a medley of National day songs =)


New member
Hi, we are a small group of people who are planning to record possibly a music video; a medley of National day songs for the upcoming National day this year!(2013) This is not an official thing, but it's something that we know would be tons of fun doing! We are looking for vocalists both males and females, especially females because we need the diversity. Preferably those that are familiar with most of our beloved National day songs. We'll be doing songs like, Home, Where I belong, Reach out for the stars, Together, etc. All these (recording & filming) will most possibly be done during June period. We have kind of like a home studio, so there's no worry about paying for studio fees. And we're pretty friendly people =)

You can take a look at some of our previous work.
http://www.youtube.com/user/mrJJiZ (This has more live recordings)

http://www.youtube.com/user/TofuSounds (This has better recording quality)

Please drop me an sms or email if your interested! (96620420) (jjsasuke@gmail.com)
We hope to hear from all you talented vocalists soon!
Have a great week ahead!!