Vocal Recording Woes


New member
Well. I did some recording using a mic and laptop recently. With and without instruments. The recorded vocals do not sound like what "i think" i sound like. Ehhh basically when someone sing...they can hear themsleve also. My problem is the recorded vocals do not sound like what i hear in my head.
Does anyone encounter this problem before? It is normally recording problems or is there a problem with my ears? Thanks

p/s: What i meant the recorded vocals sound like someone else singing. something like that
your ears can hear the voices within your skull/throat too. something that others can't hear. so naturally what you hear within yourself is not what others would hear. of course not to mention paranoia in hearing voices.. j/k.
ha ... :lol: ...the very reason why money is spent on quality micophones and mic preamps ....

If your software has an eq ...tweak it and add pinch reverb and gain!!

Honestly dude actually we do sound differant to what we hear through our ears ....coz how often you record and hear yourself 8O ...now put your hands close to your mouth and speak :smt112