Vocal-recording problem


New member
Guys, I need some help with a little issue that I can't find an answer for..

I've been fooling around with an SM58 beta mic to record vocals over my Audition. Everything's fine, volume's in check and stuff, but when I apply reverb or anything on the recorded wave file, the volume goes so soft that the wave file is practically just one.. er.. line.

Anyone could give an insight on why it's like that? In layman's terms preferably?
I don't know any technical info, and I've been surfing about trying to figure out the problem but I just ended up more confused..

Would appreciate a lead on the matter so that I could maybe figure out how to fix it?.. thanks :}
Hi Sage,

Could be a software problem? Did you try restarting your software and redoing that effect again? If it happens again check your output gain on your effects insert if they have any. Ensure that you are apply it real-time instead of processing it so that you can tweak it accordingly to how you want it to sound like.

Check all settings from your preamp channel gain down to your insert. Try out other effects and see if the same problem occurs. If other effects are okay and only the reverb has the problem .. it could be possible that the VST plugin could be buggy ...

i know it's frustrating .. haha .. been there .. so just gotta troubleshoot. Hope it helps.
I'll give that a shot :) I didn't even know where to start and it felt miserable going about standing duck. Thanks for the lead!
sounds like one of the old bugs from cool edit.

try this

if your wav file is 30 seconds.

0:00:00 - 0:30:00

instead of highlighting the whole thing, zoom in select at around


then "SHIFT + End" and apply fx

if problem persists instead of "END" , try till 0:29:59 or something. basically don't select the whole wave.

if still persist, reinstall your audition.
I have no idea why it didn't work when I tried it the first time, but I tried applying the reverbs via the FX button on the multitrack instead of the wave, then tweaked the dry and wet sliders.... then can... :p