Video Review of The Fender Squier Telecaster California series

hmm i used a roland microcube throughout, slight bump to the highs for tone, no modulation effects, little bit of reverb.

For clean sounds i used the "brit combo" model which is basically something like a vox ac30 set to low gain.

For distortion sounds i used the "stack classic" which is something like a marshall jcm series with mid gain.

For recording its a cheap 15 dollar phillips mic plugged into a soundblaster live! value..

Hope that helps! :)

What an interesting review. I have personally tried out this guitar myself... Indeed a well-priced and decently-constructed instrument. Yes, I've tried it both in clean and driven.

However, I must say that having tested it side-by-side with a similarly-priced (and in fact lower-priced) Stagg Telecaster, there is a definite sense of "cheapness" coming through from the Squier, and rather more bite and snap from the Stagg tele, despite the fact that the Stagg is not a string-thru instrument as well... You can say that I'm the kind of guy whom you refer to in the video as "purist" in terms of telecaster tone.

Also comparing both instruments to my MIM Muddy Waters Fender Telecaster, I'd say the Stagg is closer in terms of "true" tele sound, but neither are close in terms of physical "feel". Yes, I have played several telecasters before, both MIM, MIA etc.

Perhaps softies here can try out the Stagg tele for yourselves, and see if what you hear and feel is similar to what I have experienced.
nice review, can i ask where else can i buy this telecaster other than ranking and sweelee? i went but the sunburst v are outta stock..