Value of Trademark 10?


New member
What's the value of a Trademark 10 guitar amp now? Since no one is producing anymore, i guess im asking for the 2nd-hand price.

Also, if there aren't many people who's interested in buying this amp and that the price for it isnt very high, is it advisable to sell to cash converters?

Thanks for your inputs in advance =)
When in doubt .. go to ebay and use the "completed listing" search function
I see the last 2 sold at US$54 & US$85

I guess Cash converters will offer you a max of S$40~50 and sell it for $150
So i will offer $60 for it (depending on amp condition).

I am sure others will value it more ... you just have to wait for the market.

Btw, what did cash converters actually offered ?