Vai Improvising

if only more musicians like him exist.

and who the hell sed tt there is no true love?

aint this an example.
Hahaha Chanmin! :D

I realised, everytime I watch Vai play, he makes me realise how underuse my floyd rose is. Shucks.
the flyod rose is a portal to an array of unexplored and undiscovered tones.
dhalif said:
dan that day on andy timmons thread u say vai cant improvise ley.. :(

Actually, Vai said so himself in an interview, which I mentioned in that post.

Thats why I was pleasantly surprised to see him in this vid, really just letting go and jamming, though its still very pentatonic-based (which I am guilty of too).

I still don't think of "improvisation" when I think of Vai. I think of his compositions and hold them on a much higher ground than his improvisations.

My point of comparison with regards to improvisations, would be Frank Gambale, so thats sort of how I measure one's improvisational ability.
but i think vai really makes good intepretative music. his instrumentals can really bring out creativity and feel and just new things!
just wondering, will the drummer and bassist be bored out being in the background doing the strong foundation for the guitarers to go on and on with the soloing?
I ask that question myself when I see jazz players get on with it...

But I think, at the end of the day, its is a large part of their (bass & drums) job to keep the groove, keep that "backing" going.

My drummer in MDC, he would just play quietly (when we are soloing) and he would listen. Never complained...
Yeah its the job of the rhythm section to keep the foundation of the music going. But when its the harmony section's turn to play for soloing bassists/drummers... haha
When my bassist starts to solo.

I stop playing.

The keys just comp sparsely over the chords.

The drums become whisper soft.

And I feel naked on stage. :lol:
Well, its just what the MDC combo band did back then.

I really don't have an idea what should be standard, but I understand when its another instrument's turn in the limelight, I step back.

What are other "formats" to use?
Ah i see...

Well there's no 'standard'. I was just clarifying with you. I guess everything we do as musicians depends on each unique musical scenario.
Aye... though I don't have much experience in the matter of how a bass player should be "backed" while he does his improvisations.

What are some scenarios you have played in?
Well..i've played 10 years or so...

In summary: Anything can happen.

Some detail: Bearing in mind the bass is still more of a support instrument, the 'rules' for the harmony section supporting the rhythm guys esp. bass are upturned. A bass solo can be just bass, nothing else. On the other end of the spectrum, the whole band can be heavily involved, but maybe more rhythmically than otherwise. Sometimes when a bassist trying to play a melody, it'd be nice of the guitarist to outline the chords, so that his point may be made. Inversely, it'd be weird if a guitarist were to fly around without chordal support (well mostly). I've played in these scenarios to name a few. The most boring for me is the slapped solo... I like to listen to my bandmates, so its very interesting for me to see what they do ard me, and hope for a surprise.

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