Urgent help needed! (all musicians invited!)


New member
Hi guys! My name is Rachel, I'm from Singapore Poly and I'm working on a module called Business Development. Basically we're supposed to come up with a business idea and come up with a business plan, complete with financing marketing etc.

My group and I came up with an idea for a bar/pub thing, kinda like Substation only there will be auditions for performing, and it'll have a very community feel where people can get together to talk and interact. Think of it as turning Soft into a real place!

Anyway, the idea is still in the developmental stages, so I need to do a survey on some aspects of my idea so we can refine it. I would really appreciate it if you could help me do this survey!

I DO hope that our business idea can be taken out of the classroom and turned into a real business when I graduate!

Hi there! I was hoping if you could help me on a survey, simply click reply & fill in the answers. :)

I would like to interview you on behalf of my team of Singapore Polytechnic students doing a project on Business Development. Your opinion is much appreciated and important to us. All information will be kept strictly confidential.
Our business idea is the setting up of a new club to act as a hub for musicians to come together, relax, and enjoy quality live music. We want it to feel like a local community, where anyone can come and talk freely with other people who share their interest in music.
We want to serve as an avenue for musicians to make themselves heard! Bands will audition to play at our club, to both gain exposure, and receive feedback on their performances. Different music genres will be featured on different nights. At the end of each performance, patrons are encouraged to write feedback on a piece of paper for the band to read.

First of all, I would like to ask if you are interested in listening to live music played by a band?
If yes, please continue on
If no, then thank you for your time because the following questions may not be relevant to you. :)

You only need to state down the number of the selected options.

1. On which night are you most likely to go to a club to listen to live music?
(You may choose more than one option)
1 Monday 5 Friday
2 Tuesday 6 Saturday
3 Wednesday 7 Sunday
4 Thursday
Your response:

2. You would come to our club if the following music genre(s) is/are featured on that night:
(You may choose more than one option)
1 Chinese Pop 5 Pop
2 Metal 6 Blues
3 Hip Hop/R&B 7 Rock
4 Jazz 8 Others (Specify ___________________)

Your response:

3. We plan on assigning a music genre to each night of the week that we are open, e.g. Friday = Jazz, Saturday = Metal etc. We are concerned that a fixed schedule will inconvenience people who are interested in listening to music genres that fall on the night before a working day (e.g. Thursday night).
Do you think we should rotate the night assignments on a quarterly basis (e.g. Fridays in January to March = Blues, Fridays in April to June = Rock)? The schedule will be put up in our club and website at least a month in advance.
1 Yes
2 No (Please indicate your reason: ________________________________)
Your response:

4. Will the fact that other genres of music are also being played at our club deter you from coming to our club on the night of your preferred genre?
1 No, I am not affected at all. I will go to your club regardless.
2 Yes, I am affected to some extent. I am less likely to go to your club.
3 Yes, I am significantly affected. I will not go to your club at all.

Your response:

5. Have you heard about www.soft.com.sg?
1 Yes
2 No
Your response:

6. Are you interested in performing solo?
1 Yes, I am interested in performing an instrumental piece
2 Yes, but I will accompany myself with a musical instrument
3 Yes, but I will not accompany myself with a musical instrument
4 No
Your response:

7. Are you a member of a band?
1 Yes
2 No, but I’m looking to form one
3 No, I’m not looking to form one (PROCEED TO SECTION C)
Your response:

8. Are you/you and your band members interested in performing live?

Your response:
In this section, we would like to obtain feedback from a musician’s point of view regarding our club.
9. We want to serve as an avenue for you to make yourself heard and get your music across. In addition to providing a stage and audience, we will record your live performance and give you a copy of the VCD, complete with a CD case cover of your own design. What is the maximum amount you are willing to pay for a 45 minute slot, including set up and pack up time? Our stage and video recording equipment will be of utmost quality.
1 $10 and below
2 Between $11 to $20
3 Between $21 to $30
4 Between $31 to $40
5 Between $41 to $50
6 $30 or more

Your response:

10. How frequently would you be interested in performing at our club in a month?
1 At most 1 time
2 At most 2 times
3 At most 3 times
4 Four times and above

Your response:

11. If you are required to play at least 2 original songs and 2 cover songs, will you be less interested in performing at our club?
1 Yes, I’m not interested in playing original songs
2 Yes, I’m not interested in playing cover songs
3 No

Your response:

12. Are you interested in getting feedback on your performance after the show?
1 Yes

Your response:

13. At the end of the show, we want to hold a brief Q&A like session for the bands to interact with the crowd. Members of the audience will be asked to write on slips of paper comments and questions they would like the band to answer, e.g. ‘How long have you been playing’, ‘How do you get your guitar tone?’ etc.

An emcee will take the slips of paper and read them out to the band. Her job will be to both phrase the questions more coherently, as well as to filter out negative or inappropriate comments. Although not all the comments will be read out, the band will be given all the slips of paper which they can keep.

Will you be interested in participating in this event?
1 Yes
2 No (Please indicate your reason: ________________________________)
Your response:

In this section, we would like to obtain feedback from a patron’s point of view regarding our club.
14. To create a less intimidating community feel, and to act as ice breakers, we want to give out funky stickers at the door for our customers. The stickers will have different colour schemes to match the different categories of customers that will be coming. They will say things like ‘I’m a guitarist and I’m looking for a band’ or ‘I’m just here to enjoy the music’. Will you wear them?

1 Yes
2 No (Please indicate your reason: ________________________________)
Your response:

15. Which one of the statements best describe how you feel about our club?
1 I would definitely go for the opening night
2 I would probably go for the opening night
3 I might or might not go for the opening night
4 I probably would not go for the opening night
5 I definitely would not go for the opening night

Your response:

16. How often do you think you would patronize our club in a month?
1 Once
2 At most 2 times
3 At most 3 times
4 4 times and above
Your response:

17. Will a cover charge of $10 with 1 free alcoholic beverage (house pours only) deter you from patronizing us as often?
1 Yes
2 No

Your response:

18. Will you be less interested in patronizing our club if the bands were required to play at least 2 cover songs and 2 original songs?
1 Yes, I’m not interested in listening to covered songs
2 Yes, I’m not interested in listening to original songs
3 No

Your response:

19. Are you keen on participating in feedback on the performers, and asking them questions (e.g. 'How long have you been playing', 'How do you get your guitar tone' etc) after the show? (Feedback will be in written form!)
1 Yes
2 No

Your response:

20. Assuming you are a member at our club, please rank the following benefits in order of preference, 1 for most preferred and 5 for least preferred.
___ Birthday perks
___ Discount vouchers
___ Festival discounts
___ Free gifts
___ Loyalty points

This last part of the survey is just some questions about you to ensure we get a good sample of respondents. All information will be kept strictly confidential.
1 Male
2 Female

Your response:

Which of the following age-groups do you belong to?
1 Below 18 years
2 18 - 20 years
3 21 - 24 years
4 25 - 29 years
5 30 - 34 years
6 35 - 39 years
7 Above 40 years
Your response:

Which of the following categories would best describe your occupational status?
1 Professional 7 Clerical
2 Managerial/Owner 8 Housewife
3 Sales/Service Worker 9 Student
4 Production/Technical 10 Retired
5 Labourer/Cleaner 11 Looking for a job
6 Uniformed Group 12 Others
Your response:

Please indicate your monthly income/allowance.
1 Below $500
2 $500 - $1000
3 $1000 - $1500
4 $1500 - $2000
5 $2000 - $3000
6 $3000 and above

Your response:

If you are interested in receiving updates about the progress of our company, please leave your name and contact number below:

Name: _________________________ Contact Number: _____________________

That's all. Do you have any questions or comments that you want to make?



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Haha thanks alot... But it's no use if no one replies... -_-

Argh... I really need help on this, because it's not so easy to find people who are in bands! If you reply you get like, special perks if we do turn into a real place!
Rachel, do consider using online survey tools like: http://www.surveymonkey.com/. It's extremely difficult to respond to surveys like what you did, not to mention a headache to analyse. And if you got your answers, don't forget to post your results back here.
heh, if not much people reply, blame it on the earlier members who have came before, using soft.com.sg as a shortcut to their assignment, after getting all the info they need, simply disappear and never to come back again.
It's OK to do assignments that's music-related here - as long as the topic somehow contributes to the SOFT community. Problem is that in the past, many who did their music-related surveys never got back. They got what they needed, and the results remained a total mystery.

For a researcher, that's considered unethical.
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Hey thanks so much for the feedback... Yeah I wanted to use survey monkey but it think it's limited to 10 questions? Haha... I'll just break the survey up into two parts on survey monkey...

Oh I definitely want to get back to this forum regarding the outcome of our project haha, seeing as to how you are my target audience. Plus I'm interested in putting up ads for it here on Soft. In truth I don't really come here very often, my boyfriend does though!

On thing is my project is a year long module, so I probably won't be able to give an update until 2010 :p And evn then maybe not because I don't know how long it'll take to find the investors and raise capital, although my school (SP) will give me a $50,000 grant for graduating young entrepreneurs so whoo-hoo!

Expect to see a re-post of this survey v soon :p
Okay I just realized I can't do a survey monkey survey man... Because of the demographics of it, if i split it into two different surveys I won't be able to link them because i need to know the age sex and income level of each respondent to be able to make cross references and tabs argh!!!
Oh oh oh! I know how to tackle the long survey problem and not being able to use survey monkey (it's got a 10 question limit and i need to know the demographics of my respondent so tt i can do cross-field analysis)!

If you're interested in helping out with my survey, drop me a PM with your name, contact number and what time on friday night/over the weekend will be convenient for me to give you a ring to hold a really quick survey over the phone! Yay! Then i'll be able to learn more too from you to about the idea!

I promise your number won't be distributed, it'll help me contact you if the project DOES take off, and I'm a pretty clear speaker so shouldn't be a problem! (if my near perfect grammer hasn't tipped you off already :p)

Thanks so much!
The potential number of guy softies eager to help with your survey dropped by 3/4 as soon as you mentioned a boyfriend.

so what's your final decision - PM you the answers or PM you the contact number?
There's always a paid version of survey monkey that gives you unlimited questions. Do an online search for other online survey tools. There may be others lying around.

This may be an assignment, but if you want to take it more seriously, you may want to consider just paying survey monkey. It's the cost of a few days' of pocket money for students. Getting people to pm you won't work. You get into the problem of responder bias - only certain types of people will respond thereby skewing your results, giving you a totally skewed picture that's not representative of your target population. Online surveys tend to be like that, but pm will make it worse. Furthermore, I'm pretty sure your sample size will drop tremendously.
On thing is my project is a year long module, so I probably won't be able to give an update until 2010 :p And evn then maybe not because I don't know how long it'll take to find the investors and raise capital, although my school (SP) will give me a $50,000 grant for graduating young entrepreneurs so whoo-hoo!

Whether you start something out of this assignment is secondary. You can choose to tell us that or not. More importantly is to share the results of the survey itself with those you surveyed. i.e. the results of the analysis. As a researcher, I'm naturally interested in results of data analysis.
To Cheez:

Okay, I'll definitely share the results of my survey with you guys once it's done.

I DID consider signing up for the survey monkey professional option, but unfortunately time constraints didn't really allow me to be able to get it done because of the tight deadline to get survey respondents. I only needed about 30 band members, a small size I know, but the purpose of the survey isn't so much to get info about interest level in the club, but to find out about the services we intend to put into place. So getting info from people who are interested in the business idea won't completely give my survey too much biasness, at least I don't think so, because they'll all have different opinions on the services I provide.

SOFT is one one avenue I'm getting my info from, but it's mainly from approaching people on the streets and asking for results, and finding a wide range of people who are in bands to answer the survey. I know that the selection process is a little flawed, and I acknowledge that and will definitely include that limitation in my report.

Thanks so much for pointing that out though! I need the results out asap because presentation is in 4 days, the survey is only one part of the Preliminary Assessment, and we thought to use survey monkey a little too late for it to really be an effective tool for our survey! We'll only get the results compiled by probably end of the month, so until then!
these are types of small opurtunity for ppl to acknowledge singapore's music scene.. great idea..would like to perform in this pubs...but kinda sad that i'm only 15 and underage to go in pubs/clubs. anyway i play the acoustic..
If you have other sources of info, that's great. Sample size of 30 is small, but for the sake of an assignment, it's fine. The process is always more important than the results, during academic exercises.

Do share the results with us, whether you get any responses from SOFT or not! All the best. :)
Hey so how do you want the answers for the survey? :) I'll actually be really interested in such a bar if it became a reality!