Urban Ops

Are you sure 200 rounds? They don't issue so many out to those on Guard Duty.
I month till ORD he still pull stunt...
WTF - Corporal summo and about to ROD next month he go & do that...
paing eh!!!!!
i'm just wondering how the heck he can walk around orchard road with a rifle w/o anyone noticing

must be those damn cosplayers.. makes everything look normal these days
yeah..trueness..wonder how he get past them with the rifle in posession..hmmm..
why the heck do such things... gfrd problem cant be this bad wat...

1 mth to ord summore. sooner later will kena jail. then serve db. then complete the 1 mth. maybe la...
serious offence sial under Arm Offences
i'm thinking as a guy whose heart broke due to break up, would his suffering be lesser if he just took the m16 and shot himself or the years of DB to come with everyone recognising him as the moron who had 1 month left to ORD.

reminds me of the things dumb NS boys do. the last time I did guard duty at sembawang camp some broken heart kid played kurt cobain put the m16 in his mouth and pressed the trigger..

....and guess what?
he survived ... to say : "Rifle I.A."
my guess would b somehow he stripped e rifle.
but i donno hw big e sar-21 is when stripped.

but i noe he can neva hide an m-16 if stripped cos e main part would b too big n i guess he would lose e safty pin too...
but y would he need e safty pin to kill someone XD
reminds me of the things dumb NS boys do. the last time I did guard duty at sembawang camp some broken heart kid played kurt cobain put the m16 in his mouth and pressed the trigger..

....and guess what?
he survived ... to say : "Rifle I.A."

hahaha seriously did that actually happen? i thought it was an urban legend/awesome joke...
Just recently '2lt white horse' shoot email to defense minister to pao toh his course mate, and now this stunt. SAF is becoming more stunning.