
for pickups just save up abit more and get an emg 81 85. they sound killer on a basswood body like your guitar

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and yes replacing a bridge cost around 1-200 alone
Hi Rod13,

I have been reading this thread with much amusement, because you seem to have so many questions, but many of them, people in our position may not be able to answer well because firstly, we dont know what your gear sounds like, and secondly we dont know what are the sounds that you like/dislike. As such people here will give you all sorts of ideas that would work for THEM but may not work for you.

If you can give an idea of, for example, what don't you like about your current bridge or pick ups or amps or multi efx, what are the songs or artists that you listen to and may like to imitate, we might be ablet o help further.

For a start, I totally agree with seeyoudownthere, work with your current gear first and see what you like/dislike. see if you can tweak your settings or amp to sound close to your favorite guitarist or musician. From there, you can figure out what you might need to change or not change. The another easy way is to go find out what equipment your fav artist use, for eg, if it is Kirk Hammett from Metallica, then you'll know that he uses an ESP guitar with EMG pups. If budget is a problem, there are budget versions of his equipment too.

Lastly, Google is your best friend. Start reading up on other forums about what others say about the gear/music you are interested in. You can also google to find out which shops sell the products you like, then call the stores to find out their prices. When you have narrowed down your choices, you may post suggestions here and the kind softies will be most happy to give your their opinions.

To help you out abit more, most luthiers charge about 50 bucks for a change of pups. I believe EMGs can be purchased at Davis, depending on what you want of course.
Hi Rod13,

I have been reading this thread with much amusement, because you seem to have so many questions, but many of them, people in our position may not be able to answer well because firstly, we dont know what your gear sounds like, and secondly we dont know what are the sounds that you like/dislike. As such people here will give you all sorts of ideas that would work for THEM but may not work for you.

If you can give an idea of, for example, what don't you like about your current bridge or pick ups or amps or multi efx, what are the songs or artists that you listen to and may like to imitate, we might be ablet o help further.

For a start, I totally agree with seeyoudownthere, work with your current gear first and see what you like/dislike. see if you can tweak your settings or amp to sound close to your favorite guitarist or musician. From there, you can figure out what you might need to change or not change. The another easy way is to go find out what equipment your fav artist use, for eg, if it is Kirk Hammett from Metallica, then you'll know that he uses an ESP guitar with EMG pups. If budget is a problem, there are budget versions of his equipment too.

Lastly, Google is your best friend. Start reading up on other forums about what others say about the gear/music you are interested in. You can also google to find out which shops sell the products you like, then call the stores to find out their prices. When you have narrowed down your choices, you may post suggestions here and the kind softies will be most happy to give your their opinions.

To help you out abit more, most luthiers charge about 50 bucks for a change of pups. I believe EMGs can be purchased at Davis, depending on what you want of course.
Yes I agree on what hes saying emg pickups are solderless so you can easily install them yourself and save money! Davis charges 35 for installation if I didnt remember wrong. For a start who do you wanna sound like?

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And if you're still not confident in installing emgs I can help you do it

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