Unwavering position on this topic

dunno why this has turned into "christians trying to push agenda" thing...

i just see it as a bunch of christians who have issues with AWARE's pro-homo stance when it should have been neutral about it and more focused on other gender equity issues.

of course the homo issues are conflicting with their faith but i dont remember them coming out to officially declare that homosexuality is a sin. they simply took over to put AWARE back on track.
Perhaps is bringing awareness of what AWARE is actually doing?
Otherwise will parents know that their children are learning "How to have enjoyable anal sex"!!! Absurd.
These kind of topics arh.. Very dangerous ground. Sooner or later someone's gonna come in saying all Christians should die or something, and before you know it there'll be an online war between the Christians and the freethinkers.

When religion is concerned, Christians are not supposed to push their religion and beliefs on people. The Bible is pretty clear on this. We can talk about God to people, but pushing our believes on them is wrong.

So if that's what the Christians with AWARE are doing, they're doing it very, very wrong. Well, that's my stance.
hmm religion would be a very sensitive topic to talk about... esp in forums.. cause every one has different views on it.
I believe the topic is not about Christians... Its about what was thought to our children in schools... No?!?!
children and kids are always impressionable and adventurous, if they really tried homosexuality,i hope they will not be confused with the issue.
I think that the notion that educating children about the existence of homosexuality will somehow influence their orientation is misinformed, to say the least. Experimentation with same-sex relationships is part of maturing into a healthy sexual identity, be that identity be hetero or homosexual. Regardless of whether the issue is raised in the classroom or not, children and teenagers are going to learn about it anyway, and most will experience it themselves. Anyone who has ever been from a boys or girls school can testify to that.

With regards to the Christianity statement, I'd just like to point out that the aggressive Christians are not representative of the greater Christian body. Most Christians might morally disagree with homosexuality but are perfectly fine with living and letting live, and definitely get along well with homosexuals in general.

As a Christian myself, I refuse to accept that an obscure verse in Romans is more definitive of Christianity that the Sermon On The Mount. Every faith is built upon the principles of love and brotherhood, and when complications start to blur the key precepts of a faith is when the believer loses focus and becomes an extremist. In a multi-cultural society like ours, faith and belief must be tempered with good sense and love for your fellow man. If not, faith becomes mere religion.
I don't see why this should even be in this forum since it has nothing to do with music. Past similar threads often just go down the road of a flame fest.

Also, do read the title of the sub-forum. It reads Music Kopitiam, not Current Affairs. If you're looking for response, there are tons of forums around for your topic. You might want to try EDMW over at HWZ. The crowd there is pretty passionate for such topics.

yea, its been widely debated within the christian community on whether the word "homosexuals" in the king james bible was rightly translated.