Unruly Man At Davis Guitar

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Hi everyone, I posted this yesterday at Pure-Rock.com, but i think its good to share this here. Of an unruly man at Davis Guitar. So the recount's date is on 5/5/05

I was listening to AC/DC on my mp3 player when i walked into Davis today, and because music was playing in my ears, I couldnt hear exactly what was happening, but when i walked in, i saw this man who towered over me, with long wavy hair, aviator sunglasses, a black jacket and black pants and shoes, looked like a typical rocker man. His race i couldnt tell, but he spoke in a tone accented by a mixture of American and Singaporean sound. When I first walked in, he was walking around the PRS section looking a little pissed, and then he went up to the young female assistant(the one who always puts on make up), and streteched out both hands in a demanding way and was telling her something which I could not make out due to my earphones still on. And all of a sudden, he burst out in anger, shouting in a booming voice, something like, "CALL THE COPS! GO AHEAD!" and he violently gestured and with his arms tensed up in anger, pointed his middle finger stiffly at that lady and continued shouting, "FUCK YOU! YOU FUCKING BITCH! FAAAAAAAAARRRKKK!!!!!!" and at that moment, when I had been in the shop no more than a minute, i ran out in fear, because he noticed that I was there too and I feared for my life. A male customer in his forties who was also in the shop, however, stayed inside the whole time. I walked round the basement of peninsula and heard his continuous yelling, then I hid behind the shop to look at how things were after pacing around 1 round round the basement. An assembly of Indian clothes shopkeepers had formed outside davis, they did not seem afraid, only intrigued, somehow... Anyway, seconds later, I saw the Davis boss run down the escalator to the basement level and dashed into his shop. He obviously had been tipped off about the unruly man. As he entered, more shouting ensued and not long later, the angry man was seen outside the shop being cooled down by another man. Then he went immediately to Guitar Connection and I saw Kelvin(Guitar Connection's owner) treating that man like a kid in order to appease him. I saw him push a jagged shaped guitar into that man's arms and said, "Wah! See! You look like (some guitarist's name whom I've never heard of before)!". Knowing that he was gone, I went back into Davis and bought a pack of strings. There, i saw the woman who was yelled at looking pale and shaken, but putting up a very brave front. The male customer who had stood by all the time was telling her in mandrin, "Dont worry, dont let such an inhuman person hurt your feelings.". And she replied, also in mandrin, "Its ok, I dont get affected by such customers.". While the angry man was yelling at her, she stood and stared at him with a "strong but still afraid woman" look. I think she was very brave to have stood through the whole time. And I dont really blame myself for running away, it'd take a very brave or physically big person to stand in the shop and watch. Even as night fell, and hours had passed since the incident, I still feel shaken whenever I recall the incident. I think that no one should be acting in such a manner, and neither should we feel that we are, at any point of our lives so great that we can do as we like. That man had a proud look on his face all the while, he expected to be treated like a rock star. Whether you like that woman or not, no innocent human should be treated that way right? Sorry for typing so long, and hope you guys will find it an enriching read.
Heehee... a similar tread has already being posted by someone else yesterday. Maybe james can merge the tread.
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