Unexpected surprise.


New member
I had some free time, and was idly browsing through HCEF.

And this thread totally caught me off guard. Amazing!

Apparently, this guy found 4 WWII Nazi pistols stashed in a 2nd hand Ampeg he purchased.
Original WWII Nazi pistols complete with German eagle insignia and swastikas. Imagine that!

Click here

Just thought I'd share. :wink:
This one cracked me up,

I'd'a sold 'em at a gun show to a collector!

There's probably some random gun forum out there where a guy has linked to this thread...showing all his guy buddies how some naive guitar player turned the equivalent of a '59 les paul in to the police!
holy shit, the rounds are still intact! I'd kill for that 1911 man, what a beauty! just look at the fretboard! I mean handgrip!
If the owner of those pistols happen to know about it, I'd bet he's hopping mad and preparing to buy a brand new pistol to shoot himself in the head. :lol:

Anyone selling M-Audio Monitor Speakers? Who knows I find 4million cash stacked in both. LOL!
i found silica gel :cry: :cry:

that dude should have sold it to the black market!! then he can earn so much that he can buy another amp with tanks in it!! and then sell it can buy another amp....its a cycle! never ends!
tank..in an amp. :roll:

i'd rather say i found a nuclear warhead from the WWIII i mean..WWII..in my amp.. :lol:

AEnimic..juz kiddin yea..pardon the rollin eye.