For those of you who are interested there is an after party.
9th FEBUARY 2008, Saturday
Mixed age party
Door opens at 9pm till late
Presales @ $22 incl. of one drink
Doorsales @ $25 incl. of one drink
How about wearing your school uniform
to a club?
How about having a cute partner on
Well, all these all possible at @DXO
ANYONE who comes in their school
uniform will
be treated as VIPS! For the day! so
why wait! come on
down to DXO with your hawt and
stunning school uniforms!
Feeling lonly on valentines day? we
have the best solution!

This event is bringing on cupids to
matchmake you,
register w us s we can arrange! So go
down to
the booth and register! Where else can
u find
FREE matching making services?
hot school girls in their mini-skirts
cute hunks in the shirts and japy
Wear yr uniform to DXO for the one
last time
before you event lose it!!
Whats a party without booze!?!
Bringing you the best drink promos of
the night!
So dont miss it!
1-for-1 from 9pm-11pm
30% off bottles!!
Table reservation avail !
You wont regret coming to this

Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Tickets going at $15 for people who attend the gigs and their friends.
price =)
Hp : 97971684 (Nick)
Photo I.D. of atlest above the age of
sixteen is
required to enter club.