THE L.A.Z.Y.S band message

sorry, bad news
our band mmber is in TEKONG 4 NS so we cant perform...
im so so so sorry...
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Important News.

Ultrasound Will Carry On As Per Normal On The 9th Of Feb At Dxo. No Change. Tickets Will Be Ready By Monday Or Tuesday Be Check Regularly For Updates Thanks
Ticket collection will be on monday 21st of jan 7pm paradiz centre macs.

Bands who do not collect tickets will be removed. Thanks.

Timeslots allocation has been changed to organisers discresion.
Hey, I'm Boyle from eXo_eXistence

We've already registered early and I already signed the form, just that I gave the band's name a bit later, how come my band is not in the list?
We have registered early so we should be in the bill.
Updated List.

3 Slots now left. Only sms me to book a slot.

Thanks to all the bands that came down. Pls write abit about yourself and the timeslot u will be playing at.
sufiyan here from damnation in enigma(deathcore/grindcore),we'll be playing at 5:30pm n we'll be doin covers n one original song from us..
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SHOTGUNSTART playing @ 1.30 . classic rock band . Party for St Pat's 5N class of 2007 afterwards at my pool , Warren not included . ladies night haha
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Hey all we played on the 29th of jan for ROCKON . That set was a blast thanks to the wonderful crowd , so catch us again on the 9th of feb @ 1pm , we apologise if its a little early but we have to go collect our ang pows and party later that day hahaha. Right now i can reveal that we're opening with Slither - Velvet Revolver . add us on myspace . www.myspace.com/shotgunstart .
Speaking on behalf of Red Sky, we're playing at 6.30pm. We're a Rock Band, not sure how to sub-sub-sub genre ourselves :D we'll be playing 4 Covers and 2 Originals.
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I heard from zax there is some confusion with the timeslot. I will post the timeslots by tommor once i confirm a few things. Thanks.
This is the order bands will play. All time slots are final. No changes.

shotgun start
12th and hyde
amusement drive
The 21s
Radiant Archery
Rage for freedom
Dark Ulver
Damnation in enigma
For Broken Intentions
Red Sky
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