To everyone here, much appreciated for the support for DEM.
Metalmanbaby. Lets keep it simple. Metal is in your face. There is an attitude about it. Being brutal is great. I listen to brutal stuff. Just because you feel that being brutal is metal, then what about bands like In Flames, Soilwork, Dark Tranquility. They are not brutal. Just heavy, in your face, groove laden melodic riffs. But, also some technical drumming in there, Heck, even Morbid Angel, Death, Brutal Truth, DRI, Nile and Hate Eternal amongst many have brutal blast and grind, but its not easy to play constantly like that, and still keep in time, with different timings on the kick and sometimes high hat. Go watch a Derek Roddy or Gene Hoglan video and you'll know.
Metalmanbaby, your comments are appreciated, but we dont write the music for each individual person.I dont go around asking people about the brutality of the music. We write it, we like it , we record it. Technical "shit" is what our drummer likes, technical "shit" is what he will play.

Just you have your comments and thoughts, so do we. If we were all the same, what fun would there be.
And just because people know you doesnt make you a fantastic drummer. Not many people may know Singh, but the people who will tell you this, he is a great guy. And your entire is post is very very very contradictory.