Anyways if he were to claim that he can play technical stuff then he would still be a loser in accordance with what he stated in his latest post.

If he cannot play technical stuff...well then he will still be called a loser. :lol:
whoa 8O

hmmm metalman, firstly my post was made tongue-in-cheek. Mithun is not really a vampire, Doogie isn't a Yeti, and we're not signing Singh up at California Fitness just yet.

secondly, i think there are ways of saying how somebody could improve certain areas of their playing constructively, without degenerating into needless bashing of genres and insulting large groups of people.

being a "real" metalhead or whatever, does not preclude appreciating other forms of music. if all you like is metal, that's fine. but disrespecting other genres on a public forum is a bit, well, dumb.

i leave you all with a great quote i just read in the latest Terrorizer mag:
"I don't care how tight your jeans are, or how white your trainers are. Just piss off and write some good fucl<in' songs!"

(or something like that :lol: )
hell yeah. i still wear bell bottoms! anyway that was a UK mag, in an article on thrash metal.
Wah...eveyone wanna tekan my english ah....relac la my fellow metalheads...i jst sharin my opinion....ok la, like that i put it more direct la

to the person who ask if im a musician, yes i m...i m a drummer....a true metal drummer for yrs already...n many ppl have told me i'm a bloody fuckin gd drummer...i was jst suggestin to DEM that singh is not a true metal drummer...

Rory u also agree n say singh got donno wat mental workout with his other band fen-rir so he not gd at metal...so if his band member say they tryin to whip him into shape then wat more can i say...

ya ok singh play for some stupid tecnical fen-rir...a supposed to be "metal" band.......they i think donno wat metal music is la honestly....

metal is brutal n in ur face....not some wat RyanJ say off timing beat la...ok la very gd for singh he know how to play off timing crap la....poly beat la....watever other terms la...if i want i also can play...but i never bother to learn bcos i know it is jst some fancy thing...learn n show off for wat?? metal is brutal n killer...so mst play from ur heart...not some tecnical stupid play....

metal music is from our hearts..not from a book to "learn how to play tecnical drums" that jst my opinion...everytime i play...i walk off stage ppl tell me im fuckin amazin...so i suggest to singh wanna to become a gd drummer...play metal...not tecnical...

DEM is a gd band...metal band...not stupid tecnical band...so he play tecnical in metal band for wat?? show off rite??

many ppl know me...how many ppl know singh?? i think none of u except his band only know him...bcos he is yaya...n show off...so ppl surely wont like him....u see ppl he can bring his own cymbal all....but he cannot even lend other drummers....ask ur drummers at the gas haus gig...he got lend meh??

metal music is from the heart...not stupid tecnical which anyone can learn...ur heart cannot change one....

DEM get a metal drummer...not a yaya show off tecnical drummer...it woill be vey sad if DEM lose the metal touch....
Tsktsktsk. Dissapointing mindset, metalmanbaby. Dissapointing.
And technical drummings requires more creativity. And it's harder.

Yo cheers.
Aiyah wad lah all this hostility... All the bands also were good lah, no need to care who iis more "metal". I for 1 really enjoyed Zorn Helden set, OLD SKOOL!!! the lead and the vox power lah, onli the bass dude got something wrong lah, he was too freaking loud! loud until he almost kill off the guitar sound, sumore he like very stiff liddat, but good nonetheles, arbitary oso power, DEM shiok sia!!!! overall i enjoyed myself,whooo
metalmanbaby: that one post of yours was 1 long post of shameless self promotion. telling everyone, what a gigantic ego you've got.

youd probably cry if someday, someone comes up to you and tell you, you suck. :roll:

and if you ask me, NO one in the local scene will be so direct to come up to you after your set and tell you the truth. even if they're talking bad about you, you wouldnt even know :lol:
To everyone here, much appreciated for the support for DEM.

Metalmanbaby. Lets keep it simple. Metal is in your face. There is an attitude about it. Being brutal is great. I listen to brutal stuff. Just because you feel that being brutal is metal, then what about bands like In Flames, Soilwork, Dark Tranquility. They are not brutal. Just heavy, in your face, groove laden melodic riffs. But, also some technical drumming in there, Heck, even Morbid Angel, Death, Brutal Truth, DRI, Nile and Hate Eternal amongst many have brutal blast and grind, but its not easy to play constantly like that, and still keep in time, with different timings on the kick and sometimes high hat. Go watch a Derek Roddy or Gene Hoglan video and you'll know.

Metalmanbaby, your comments are appreciated, but we dont write the music for each individual person.I dont go around asking people about the brutality of the music. We write it, we like it , we record it. Technical "shit" is what our drummer likes, technical "shit" is what he will play. :) Just you have your comments and thoughts, so do we. If we were all the same, what fun would there be.

And just because people know you doesnt make you a fantastic drummer. Not many people may know Singh, but the people who will tell you this, he is a great guy. And your entire is post is very very very contradictory.

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