

New member
anyone noe how much a tuner is? i wanna get one eh. some cheap skate 1 dat can at least tune my guitar u noe
if you are very cheap skate. u can try downloading a tuning software, buy a converter(arnd 5 bucks or cheaper), plug ur guitar into the mic hole thru the converter.
nah im not dat cheap lol i mean hmm im damn unsure about tuners i mean totally no idea lol i juz want 1 dats cheap and well gives the right measurements lol
I have a Seiko Tuner that i bought at Swee Lee for $40.
It does the job everything you'd need from a tuner adequately (chromatics, pitch adjustment, tone soudning etc... and it has a mike for acoustics as you'd expect) and it's sleek and sexy.
Dont' got paying $200 for those BOSS ones that do the same thing and frankly, are ugly.
Model number is SAT500.
To maximize your spending dollars go for an electronic tuner that contains a metronome, pitch-pipe and chromatic tuner...all for about the same $40.

I think 2 of the brands that are configured like this are 'Intelli-tuner' (something like that) and 'Parksons'.
go yamaha and get the 27 dollar ..quicktuner...not the black one but the red/purple colored one. Its good...long bat life too.

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