Trying without buying... where's the best?

Hi... I wanna get serious abt playing and am desperate to find THE guitar for me.

I can always log in here and talk about the passion, but really I just wanna go out there and try all the guitars I have in mind, like gibson vs epiphone les paul/ bfg/ fender jagauar, jazzmaster... and so on. but I didnt had good experience with guitar shops staff when i was younger. and really, which shops would be the best place to try without being laughed at or given bad attitude just because you're just trying and not really buying on the spot...

THanks guys.

me first post.
Go to Swee Lee Bras Basah look for Aryadni or Asmat at the Sims Drive showroom. But for Gibson and Jaguar might be a bit hard.
the only way to make the staff take you seriously is to walk into the store thinking you have 5 grand in your wallet (and haven't been mugged by then). at the same time don't go in acting as though you own the place.

be very polite and sincere in wanting to make a purchase, and they will be more than happy to help you in your decision. if you go in looking for them, they will also help you. if you go in trying to be unnoticed, you will be unnoticed.

if not, there is ebay. ships to my doorstep some more.
Ideally, you could try any guitar at any stores. Generally they won't give you the bad attitude if you're sincere about trying and knowing more about your next purchase. Try not to go in the store without doing research and asking questions like which is a better guitar ibanez Rg or fender Strat? Instead ask what's the difference between the two model and if you play a certain genre of music which will suit it better. Also if you're not very confident, ask the sales person to demo it for you. They will be more than glad to do so, afterwhich you can ask to try the guitar and have a feel yourself. This way, you are respecting them as being professionals and also they will feel obliged to serve you better. Hope this helps.
i think u just gotta be thick skinned....
but of cos be nice and polite to them and they will treat u nice too hah....but in the worst case scenario that they aren't really very nice....u still have the privilege to try their items.....just ask....they can't say no....

but so far i've got gd experiences at Davis, ebenex, blackwood, and Swee Lee most of the time as well so don't have to worry ^^

but some research first so u can ask them better questions
for me best place: blackwood. they have a testing room. ask them, set up, go in the room and shred like there's no tomorrow!! but heck dont break the guitars. the guitars there cost $3000 average. hehehe.

sweelee: sure can test. they wont really bother. spacious. but for me abit paiseh coz the testing place is in the middle (for bras basah). dont know bout the sims drive.

davis: errr not fond of that place. too crowded.

music theme: okay. but sqweezy. test at the back where not many can see u.
actually, why not just hear clips on youtube or check out the dimensions of the guitar to get an estimate feel on the guitars you want to try? i mean, it wouldnt be nice to just grab any guitar and try like no one's business. at least have the intention of buying instead of just playing for the sake of it.

its like people use your toilet, you dont really like right?

what you can do is make a whole lot of friends here on soft and go each and everyone of their house to try their different guitars. well, at least its better than having a sales assistant staring at you from afar.
Explain to the sales person your purpose...they will usually understand....

Don't just go in and say..I wanna try this .....i wanna try that....

But instead tell them you are in the process of looking for a need to try to know....also tell them your budget if you can...

Don't JAM in the testing room...just try......

Many salesman have bad attitude is cause...many people just try try for no purposes.....just for shook...or just wanna jam around in the testing room...thus taking the sales person other sales opportunity....

Also build a good relationship with the sales person, so the next round you go...he or she will knows you & tend to serve you better...

Hope that helps...
^ that actually sounds very true. sounding/acting interested helps too but for the next few times maybe cannot work already.

another alternative is to come down to GC when its super empty, can try until you happy ( provided if I'm around hahahhaha )
Usually if you are really will not take long to decide & to find out what u want.....

Something smells fishy if you go try 10 times and yet still cannot decide....
Usually if you are really will not take long to decide & to find out what u want.....

Something smells fishy if you go try 10 times and yet still cannot decide....

By the way, if you are a kid...bring your helps really..hehe
well...ok i was wrong about saying about shredding like there's no tomorrow at Blackwood. but heck, when i was there, the guy was super frenly, i told that im not buying and that i was just looking around. he "insisted" that i try. woa man, how can
i not try a $3000 gibby. heck was i scared to hold it or what.

2nd to the one saying build good relationship with store owners or salesperson.
u'd never know what they can offer. hehe
well...they are smart really....if they let you try.....there may be a chance to them to get a sale....hehe

It is a temptation....hehe....If I try....and I have $3100.00 in my bank....just cause I try..I may just, what the it....since I still have $100 to spend after that....

But apart from that...they are really nice & open about letting you try.......Great GUitar & Effect Shop...
You cant say they wont judge you for not buying , i mean we're all human . If you owned a guitar shop and some guy keeps coming in to try your stuff without buying , you'd get annoyed . hahah hence , make friends with the shop owner ... slowly and you won't believe how cheap things are haha
Thks for the heads up guys!

^ that actually sounds very true. sounding/acting interested helps too but for the next few times maybe cannot work already.

another alternative is to come down to GC when its super empty, can try until you happy ( provided if I'm around hahahhaha )

Relinquish69, what and where is this GC ? you work part-time there, bro? :p