let me share my ns story. i started training say abt 1month++ before my napfa.in fact i didn't even bothered to take npafa until 2 weeks before when i realised i haven't partied enough. luckily there was one last slot 2 weeks prior to ur enlistment into ptp. when it was really the time for me to run wahh knn i really ran like some mad fucker. in the end success passed napfa 9weeks bmt. strangely enough my weakess station was sbj. but bmt they sure whack you until u minimum 4 points
Not really true, I know of many people who still fail a single station from the start of BMT to the end. Usually it's SBJ or chin ups. I don't understand how someone can fail chin ups, it's such a trainable station. Not saying SBJ isn't, but I just never had much problems with it to train for. My NS story is that I was lucky enough to hit the gym while in poly 3rd year, which changed my physique and fitness totally, although mostly in strength, rather than cardio. I hit from a totally 0 fighter who'd never done a proper chin up in his life except maybe one time(in year 2) i decided to train for it but quitted cause it got too hard(didn't know back then how to train properly for a build like mine) and I only ended up doing 2 chin ups or so after much hard work. After few months of gym, I went from 0 to 7 proper straight arm, chin above bar chin ups.
Don't worry about 2.4, my poly timing was 15 minutes+ but I got silver timing in just my 3nd try in PTP(passed during 2nd try).
If they whack you until everyone minimum 4 points, then BMT will be 100% silver or above, which I can ASSURE you it is not. Even enhanced batch almost impossible to see 50% silver. This is coming from a dude who took 5 batches of recruits.
During my time we would enlist 1 month earlier and ORD 1 month later and this really brought about alot of problems. I'd rather enlist 2 months earlier because it really makes a difference when you are about to ORD. Firstly, if your camp is the training school type, the enhanced guys will get their replacements 2 months before they ORD, so they can relax. Whereas for PTP guys, since we ORD 1 mth later, and oso during the graduation timing, we have to work that extra batch. Trust me, 1 batch is a BIG difference. Plus I had to juggle school for the month before I ORD, and it was crap. Book out, go school, come home shack, go back into camp next day, stay in till weekend, repeat.