Trying to get fit by January...any tips to get me started?

I'm not too sure about swimming. I think if you are planning to enter army, you still have to dedicate time to run. Running is like the holy grail in army(when it comes to something realistically trainable), you will do it more than anything else there. Sure swimming is good, don't get me wrong, but I still follow the tried and tested method of weight training plus running for cardio. I do the rowing machine for cardio from time to time, because it's upper body oriented and different from running.

"whenever you lift weights, lean your back straight against the wall, this supports and protects your back."

I've never seen anyone do this and it sounds pretty silly really.
Yes, keep your back straight at all times, or use an adjustable bench if you really need that much back support. Keeping your back leaning against the wall will make weight training really awkward. Plus I believe he needs support on the lower back, but using the wall will support more of upper back, because it is hard and can't contour to your body. Personally the only time I f*cked up my back bad(till I was lying in bed and unable to stand or walk without immense back pain) was when I tried to deadlift about 150lbs for a few times. My form was crap, and I was rounding my back too much. Form is important, if not because it helps to target the correct muscle groups and work them hard, then just for safety. But usually stuff like bicep curls don't require any support on your back and can be done standing up, usually because the weight used is little, say 10 - 15kg per dumbbell.
Yeap, it's more of a lower back problem.

My problem though is that when the strain comes from trying to keep the lower back straight? Cus when I keep it straight it tenses up and I can feel pressure on one side. I haven't gotten it examined, but according to people who can see my back (a.k.a mum and ex-girlfriend), my spine is slightly slanted to one side. How to fix this ah? If I keep straightening my back while lifting weights will it fix the spine prob?
Sounds pretty serious. You have a high chance of going into PES C or PES E. Probably won't even have to do IPPT for the rest of your life. If you have a problem like that I wouldn't do weight training at all if I were you. Or really it's up to you. I'm no doctor, and have trained many times under injury or physical limitations and have been lucky to not get worse, only better. When's your medical at CMPB?

This is a good workout, just decided to show it here:

The 250 isn't too tough, but it will get your sweating a lot. Somewhat good cardio.
Actually you guys have all missed out on a point.
TS, if you really want to start getting fit, the first thing you need, is a buddy who's willing to spend the time to motivate you and train you. preferably someone who has experienced army already, maybe someone who just ord-ed or is reasonably fit.

and to deathcubek, what van_halen said is true. when doing weights at home, and especially if you dont have a proper firm bench, doing a half squat with your knees at a 90 degree angle, thighs parallel to the floor and your back resting firmly against the wall is a very good back support.

which brings me to the next point, TS, that your back problems might be a result of you doing inadequate stretching and warm up for your back muscles, hence the excessive strained feeling you get. try getting a hot water bottle to put on your back to warm up the muscles first, and then proceed to do some back stretching exercises to limber up.

this should help a lot in reducing the pain.
deathcube:i think you should wear weight lifting belt,prevents lower back injuries :)

I respectfully disagree. While weightlifting belts are probably important for guys hitting poundages in the few hundreds, I was only doing about 35kg per side. I generally dislike using straps and belts, because if you do, you're easing up on the important point of deadlifts, which is that it is a whole body exercise intended to train stuff including your grip and your core strength. A weight belt will make lifting more lenient, and thus you won't get the full effects of the lift. I've thought of using them, but I don't think it's worth doing more weights using such accessories.
Not much time to consider so much, i suggest running a 2 km rigime for a week or 2 then increase to 3. Remember to time yourself.

Dont forget to do chin ups, in sets of the most no. you can do comfortably. then before ya test few days can rest completely. :p
My problem though is that when the strain comes from trying to keep the lower back straight? Cus when I keep it straight it tenses up and I can feel pressure on one side. I haven't gotten it examined, but according to people who can see my back (a.k.a mum and ex-girlfriend), my spine is slightly slanted to one side. How to fix this ah? If I keep straightening my back while lifting weights will it fix the spine prob?

Sounds like scoliosis to me.

Maybe see a doctor or a chiropractor?
what are some good back stretching exercises? i kena back pain recently

this is gonna sound a bit weird, but doing sit and reach does help your back. but focus on one side at a time. sit on the floor, stretch out and spread legs into a v shape. then try and touch your toes on fiirst one foot, then the other. but dont force yourself to. just keep doing that. it works for me.
try swimming, it's like gym and cardio at the same time.

it helped me maintain my chinup score even without hitting the gym for ages

it tones your body too and you can check out the babes at the pool too haha
I'm thinking my main problems will be with 2.4 and pull ups like you mentioned, so thanks for the advice. I'm not so sure about the sit-ups and sit-and-reach: I have a back condition that acts up randomly. If it does I can't do any at all. If it doesn't, I can get gold for both easily. SBJ is also no problem.

You got back problem then why don't downgrade?
Surely having back problems means instant down PES?

Personally I barely went to the gym. Used to do real badly for NAPFA and I heard it's pretty common for Polytechnic guys. Except for those in the sports CCAs of course.

For the polytechnic guys, enlistment is four months early if you fail your NAPFA, which really sucks... Four months is a long time. I just retook my NAPFA and I'm hoping it'll be a pass.

I did improve quite a bit, though. My school had a compulsory fitness program, and just regularly doing chin-ups, shuttle-run, sit-ups and 2.4km running would help. At least it did for me. :)

For shuttle run, it's one thing to be fast. It won't help if you're slow in turning. Work on your turning speed and develop a technique which allows you to turn as instantly as possible.

I won't advise on standing broad jump or sit-and-reach because I suck at those... Someone who can do well at these would certainly provide better advise to folks like me.
let me share my ns story. i started training say abt 1month++ before my fact i didn't even bothered to take npafa until 2 weeks before when i realised i haven't partied enough. luckily there was one last slot 2 weeks prior to ur enlistment into ptp. when it was really the time for me to run wahh knn i really ran like some mad fucker. in the end success passed napfa 9weeks bmt. strangely enough my weakess station was sbj. but bmt they sure whack you until u minimum 4 points
let me share my ns story. i started training say abt 1month++ before my fact i didn't even bothered to take npafa until 2 weeks before when i realised i haven't partied enough. luckily there was one last slot 2 weeks prior to ur enlistment into ptp. when it was really the time for me to run wahh knn i really ran like some mad fucker. in the end success passed napfa 9weeks bmt. strangely enough my weakess station was sbj. but bmt they sure whack you until u minimum 4 points

Not really true, I know of many people who still fail a single station from the start of BMT to the end. Usually it's SBJ or chin ups. I don't understand how someone can fail chin ups, it's such a trainable station. Not saying SBJ isn't, but I just never had much problems with it to train for. My NS story is that I was lucky enough to hit the gym while in poly 3rd year, which changed my physique and fitness totally, although mostly in strength, rather than cardio. I hit from a totally 0 fighter who'd never done a proper chin up in his life except maybe one time(in year 2) i decided to train for it but quitted cause it got too hard(didn't know back then how to train properly for a build like mine) and I only ended up doing 2 chin ups or so after much hard work. After few months of gym, I went from 0 to 7 proper straight arm, chin above bar chin ups.

Don't worry about 2.4, my poly timing was 15 minutes+ but I got silver timing in just my 3nd try in PTP(passed during 2nd try).

If they whack you until everyone minimum 4 points, then BMT will be 100% silver or above, which I can ASSURE you it is not. Even enhanced batch almost impossible to see 50% silver. This is coming from a dude who took 5 batches of recruits.

During my time we would enlist 1 month earlier and ORD 1 month later and this really brought about alot of problems. I'd rather enlist 2 months earlier because it really makes a difference when you are about to ORD. Firstly, if your camp is the training school type, the enhanced guys will get their replacements 2 months before they ORD, so they can relax. Whereas for PTP guys, since we ORD 1 mth later, and oso during the graduation timing, we have to work that extra batch. Trust me, 1 batch is a BIG difference. Plus I had to juggle school for the month before I ORD, and it was crap. Book out, go school, come home shack, go back into camp next day, stay in till weekend, repeat.