Trying out playing Blues

Hi bro,

I'm guessing that you're probably getting into blues after doing metal/rock stuff for a while? You've got some nice ideas there with the SRV-esque bending, keep it going!

From a completely personal viewpoint, try to avoid going into the shredding stuff. It's technically and theoratically correct, but it's not right for the kind of music. Listen or watch when Albert King plays. He doesn't play many notes, in fact it's quite primitive by today's standards but every note says something.

Another concept crucial to blues is the idea of leaving spaces. It let's the music "breathe", kind of like how a sax or trumpet player would play. It gives time for your first few notes to sink in with the audience, before developing the musical idea further.

Other people you can listen to are BB / Freddy King, Albert Collins, Buddy Guy (earlier stuff). SRV is definitely a fantastic musician, but if you want to understand his music you've got to know where he was coming from.

In the meanwhile, keep on learning! Not that we should ever stop anyway...