Tremol-no MO (LATEST UPDATE) TOUCHDOWN! Mini gathering!


New member
I only read about the tremol-no yesterday on Harmony-Central and apparently, after nearly 2 years of talking, it's going to be released finally. I've been searching for something like this for sometime already. I like the versatility of the floyd rose but detuning and re-stringing are real pain in the arse. This basically answers my needs.

Here's the site for more info:

And, not to forget, this can delay the purchase of another fixed bridge axe for me till i have enough funds for a real nice one (think gibbys/schecters). :wink:

Anyone interested?


Interested parties, please refer to the post below!!!
I should be ordering one.

Its got reviews on TGP and Jemsite. People have been given some already to test out.

65 USD or something.

April release.

Yeap, it looks good and not drill/mods required. Excellent product.

Then we full floating floyd users can get silly things like a d-tuna. Hehe.

D-tuna ain't cheap man. Do you really really need it? I don't so I'm not getting it.

I have a fixed 7 stringer to handle majority of my rhythm work. 8)

But hell, when the tremol-no comes out, lets order.
Why a d-tuna? Here's why. I have 3 axes.A strat tuned half step down for you should know what. ;) A Jackson fixed bridge tuned a whole step down for all the modern heavy stuff. And a RG in standard tuning. Sometimes I like to play in drop-d so when i reach for my RG and fine tune it with the FR tuning machine, the rest of the strings will simply go out of tune. So that's the reason why i wanted a d-tuna to cut all that hassle. That's the best option other than getting a new guitar, which i really want but is too rich for me at the moment.

Now with the tremol-no, d-tuna is simply redundant. :lol:

Alrighty mate! All the way with thr order. Anybody else? :roll:
Hehe. Doubt you'll get a queue here. Singaporeans lah.. will get 2nd hand, cheaper. :lol:

I'm number 2 in line....

Eh, how about grabbing the ESP Arming Adjuster too?
Sounds promising. Enlighten me daniel on this. Does the unit allow me to downtune to D on the low E without affect the rest of the strings (which are at standard Eb) and back to E again when I don't require the D? Thanks.
you can visit the site for a video demo.

Its basically a systen that requires NO ROUTING/DRILLING.
Allows for:
- Full floating functionality. (No "hook" like the hipshot tremsetter)
- Dive only mode (detune all you want*)
- Hard tail mode (your trem is non-functional*)

* Note: The unit doesn't block the trem TOTALLY as in you can yank on the trem which in hard tail mode and it CAN still move IF you yank really hard. But it definately sufficient when you break say, the Low E string, everything will still be in tune. It will be able to hold the trem in place without strings though.

I don't advice this unit for people who want to make restringing a floyd easier... kind of costly to spend on something that you can learn by yourself with minimal effort.
when will it b available in sg ? seem like quite alot of us r interested ... anyone gonna lead a class on HOW TO FIT THE TREMOL-NO ? :lol:
I quote the site:

Q- It looks complicated. Am I going to have to have a tech install the Tremol-No™ for me?
A- I don't know your personal technical skills, but if you can change the strings on your guitar, you can probably install a Tremol-No™ unit without any difficulty. It requires only simple tools and about 15-20 minutes.

And here's the instructions:

We'll have to wait for the installation video to be uploaded to see it for ourselves.

Yeah.. Do check out the demo video. I love the part when the rest of the strings are still in tune despite the fact that one of the string is cut. :)

Response looks promising. I'll contact Allparts for a quote and I'll start the MO somewhere in mid-April.

BTW Does anyone have any experience with Allparts?[/b]
The guy that invented it did a lot of the work on It's been a long while and I have followed his project since he first started it. Too bad once he got it out there were a few copies in the market. His I feel is the best though.

Before you guys go gaa gaa over it do take note that it BLOCKS THE TREM. Meaning with it you have the option of:
1. FLOATING TREM - normal mode
2. BLOCKED TREM - no trem action available at all
3. HALF BLOCKED - you can pull on the springs but not push

The beauty is that you can do this with a twist of a thumbscrew.

It will help you if you break your string when it's in the BLOCKED mode, but if you break it while in floating mode then you are still fuckked and have to retune. The tremol-no will help though in the sense that you can block it and quickly tune the other 5 strings without messing around with the whole other strings going flat issue.

The installation is simple, it basically takes the place of one of your springs. Which also means you might have to change the position of your springs.

mjr, you can detune to D then back to E only if it is in BLOCKED mode, which means you will not be able to use the trem in the D tuning.

I was interested in getting one but the guy told me that I would not have space if i'm using the hipshot tremsetter(which I am). That was almost a year ago when he told us Allparts was going to distribute it in a few weeks. Now is a year later and still waiting, so we'll see how soon it will come.
Haha.. But i think the release looks pretty official now since the news was publicised on

The shipping rate at looks very reasonable.

Hmm.. shred, so are you spearheading the orders (when they're finally made available)? :roll: Or me?
theblueark said:
The installation is simple, it basically takes the place of one of your springs. Which also means you might have to change the position of your springs.

Hey blueark... the above comment only applies to people who use more than the standard 3 springs aye?

theblueark said:
mjr, you can detune to D then back to E only if it is in BLOCKED mode, which means you will not be able to use the trem in the D tuning.

And also in the half blocked setting.
Here's the stew-mac copy which got people worked up over at projectguitar

They took the idea but over engineered it. Much too complicated as compared to the tremol-no

Here's the freelok copy which works almost exactly the same way:

Here's the thread where he announced he got it licensed:

If you search deeper you'll find threads of his development.
Here are some tasty pictures:


Tell you what kank, when the tremol-no is READY to ship.. then lets discuss in detail what to do.

I do not mind spear heading the orders. I bet the original shipment will go out of stock asap.

So those of you out there, start saving. :)

USD65 + maybe USD10 shipping?
ShredCow said:
Hey blueark... the above comment only applies to people who use more than the standard 3 springs aye?

Yep which is why I said might. If you're using the triangle spring configuration with the two outer springs going inwards it's difficult to use the tremol-no too.

If Allparts does finally bring it in we might see them or can order from a whole lot of shops. Davis and Guitar Connection brings in Allparts. So do a number of other shops all over singapore.

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