Travelling With my Fender


New member
Hey everyone. I havent been posting in awhile..

im sure this thread has popped up.. but i just need some advice.. will be flying to syd later this year.. intending to take my '57 reissue Strat along.

Besides the usual detuning strings n maybe wrapping in added padding.. (its gunna be in its tweed hardcase)

Would there be any precautions i would need to take? Dont think its possibel to hand carry right?

And views on insurance for the guitar?

Thanks =)
if you know how to setup your guitar...
best way of cos is to seperate neck and body, and hand carry them on.
well .. for a tweed hardcase it wont really offer much protection really... one throw from the luggage guys could really damage your strat. why not put it in a gig bag and get the stewardess to stow it in first class jacket cabinet or sumthing...

if they ask you to check it in... say its a 1957 strat and worth about 30k USD and you dont trust checking it in as it is extremely fragile.
there are a few ways you can do this:

option 1
pack your guitar well in your hardcase and check it in.
pros: you save money (provided all you carry don't exceed the weight limit...)
cons: you may or may not get a compensation if anything happens to your guitar.

option 2
pack your hardcase and check it in without your guitar. put your guitar in a softbag and pack with bubble wrap and handcarry.
pros: you got your guitar with you and you save money on shipping.
cons: the guitar will not be insured since it's under your own care. (maybe the hardcase, since it's checked in).

pack your guitar well and ship it to Australia insured. i think it will cost about $150.
pros: anything happens to your guitar, it's covered. you don't need to worry about carry all these stuff.
con's: you have to pay for shipping and likely their local tax.

things to note are that:

1. fender guitars are actually very hardy, it is quite difficult to break especially in a hardcase. but having said this. nothing is impossible...

2. not sure if you will be spared the local tax even if you hand carry.

hope this will help you make a good decision bro. cheers!
If you're flying a full service airline, they'll mostly be happy to stow the guitar away for you as hand carry luggage. Just flash your pearlies at the stewardess. To be safe, call the airline in advance and ask about their policies on hand-carried instruments. Apart from pianos and pipe organs, I think most airlines let you hand-carry instruments. Unless your strat is chock full of crack. :mrgreen: Otherwise, what the rest said.
Hmm I normally pack it all in the hardcase and loosen the strings and put loads of newspaper to make sure the guitar doesn't move around in the case...

Also, it'll be wise not to open your guitar immediately when you get there, other than to check that it's all there... apparently the change of weather will kill it if you expose it right away to the new surroundings...
padded gig bag in the coat department should fine. Ive done it many times. You may even be able to bring the tweed case into the cabin, ring them up and check first, that will be the safest, and get the persons name.
i brought my fender strat back from japan in just the gig bag. it came out fine. just hand carry it on. get in early to make sure you have enough over head space. put it in the bins above the window sides seats because those have more space inside. then put you other bags in front of it to make sure no one puts their stuff on it. also, just watch out for it when people put their stuff in the same bin. its pretty safe actually.
It depends on the check in counter staff, even though you fly with world best air lines including Singapore Airline they will ask you to check in as luggage.

You just need to storm at the counter and insists for hand carry. If you ring them, they will also advice to check in unless you are flying in business or first class. Do not loosen the strings as that could break the guitar neck and strings balance.

You can buy travel insurance if you want extra protection, it is safe to check in as luggage as well but make sure you use plastic warping. I saw some water before when I opened hard case. If you are carrying the guitar with you, you don’t need to pay for custom duty but shipping guitar alone might be. Hope that help.
im sure this thread has popped up.. but i just need some advice.. will be flying to syd later this year.. intending to take my '57 reissue Strat along.

Besides the usual detuning strings n maybe wrapping in added padding.. (its gunna be in its tweed hardcase)

Invest in an SKB flight case. Undo the strings till there's no tension. Check it in.

Problem solved.

DON'T use the tweed case.
. Unless your strat is chock full of crack.

Damnit youre on to me! haha

Thanks everyone. Im not even sure what airlines i'll be flying with yet.. tryna get a student package. Everdying i dont think i'll be taking my guitar apart.. no confidence for that =S

i figure i'll go with the padded gig bag idea.. but like xklusivly4u said.. sometimes all ppl need is a little.. storm. i mean.. if i make a little noise hopefully they should oblige. Im good at making noise. =D
i put my guitar (strat-style too) in the overhead compartment on a flight a while back. it was a city-to-city flight in indonesia and it was a real small plane. planes going inernational should be bigger n have overhead compartments tt fit the whole strat too.
forget the overhead compartment. just ask the stewardess to store it inside the jacket compartment, where they put all the businessmen jackets and their jackets. should be alright. if it's singapore airlines, shouldnt be a prob.
i tried asking them but it was a full flight so they couldnt. putting it up in the overhead is actually quite safe.
i carry my fender around from sg to indo.usually hand carry in a padded case.

just ask the stewardess to stow it.