Toto tickets.....

0.5 Million - give equally to those organisations. like NKF bla bla

NKF has more than enough already man. Donate to those orphaned kids :wink: In the hope they join the music family :D
than start a musciainship association of singapore! bring down artists like mike portnoy, eric johnson. etc, get them to stay in singapore for 1 month and conduct master classes!
hmmm i think it will cost more than that. grrr then i spend less on my guccis. HAHAHA see i fork out so much for music =X

aiya.. how much money in sg oso very fast finish.. better yet spend it migrate ..go oversea happy happy.. sg damn stress.. .|.
gordonnzzzz dont wwhineee lahhhh wah laooo. go find a good girl, find a good job, with good money, good house, good car, good life. DONT WHINEEEEEE
Newbie said:
gordonnzzzz dont wwhineee lahhhh wah laooo. go find a good girl, find a good job, with good money, good house, good car, good life. DONT WHINEEEEEE

so much for ur advice ah? if lifes so easy.. no one will have problem liao.....good .... everything good.. so easy find ah
oh yah! good idea, buy 10 year membership for casino! by 1st year all my winnings gone liao.. lol

gordon.. dont be so sad... cheer up kay.. if i win toto i buy you girlfriend :twisted:


MORE! MORE! toto jackpot fantasy stories!!
2 million ?

i ll give :

10k to soft for eternal running
100k each to my parents X2
buy gear for my band 50,000 ( 10 k each)
set aside like 1 million , get fender distributor rights and sell fenders in my fender shop singapore , start up fender custom shop singapore :D ?
keep the change
Newbie said:
gordonnzzzz dont wwhineee lahhhh wah laooo. go find a good girl, find a good job, with good money, good house, good car, good life. DONT WHINEEEEEE

dude.. you whine big time man.. not gordon. LOL
2 million eh,

50k: getting 3 custom guitars from warmoth + a JCM900, and then modding my present guitar as i like.

10K: bet on various matches thru out the year to mulitply it

1mil: save in bank. 10K each month, no need to work loh.

the rest i dunno, see see loh.
stars said:
set aside like 1 million , get fender distributor rights and sell fenders in my fender shop singapore , start up fender custom shop singapore

haha.. y onli fender?? use some $$ for a car.. then the rest to set up a company which distributes all the stuff that a certain music store (which i shall not name) has.. haha.. and u shld noe the rest of the story :wink:
I went to one singapore pools outlet today.. was going to buy my toto tix..

Untie: No more toto ticket pass 6 already

I rushed back home franticly to check results

heng ah! nobody with jackpot yet!!! woohoo!! still got chance!! haha

Eh guys, share more of your toto fantasy stories!!!
lol.. alamak bro.. you spoiler lah.. i used to not beleive in gambling too.. until i found out that you stand a chance to win 2.8 million dollars just by guessing 6 numbers :lol: