TKS:Yineh Da Pakereh(english) and Mas selamat uploaded


New member
Hey guys we just uploaded two new tracks called Mas Selamat which we havent finished recording yet, the last part has a singapura rock pledge which isnt added yet.. and yineh da pakereh but this time done in english... Let us know if you like it and if you want them for d/l ... tracks are recorded at snakeweed with leonard and martin.

These are just raw tracks so we hope you like it , also do vote for us in live and loaded . Thambi k Seaow... add us on face book under thambi k seaow rocks and on myspace where you will hear the track. . We are open for gigs and thosais at komalas..

p.s for those who havent seen yineh da pakereh here is the link

Peace and see you at ultrasound on the 1st of feb