Tips on how to counter sloppy playing?


New member
Hi there softies!

Not sure whether this issue has been discussed here or not, but i have searched everywhere around the globe by searching and find myself not improving. It's either that I did not search properly or I am stupid.

Anyway, I want to improve my technique on preventing myself from playing sloppily. Especially my sweep picking. There is always an unwanted noise coming out after each note is being played. For example on the D string. It always rings right after the release. I have read about using the thumb of the picking hand, but I am not exactly sure what it means. If you have a picture or something, can anyone tell or show me how exactly do I do this? And how to prevent sloppy playing. I know I have to start slow, but to start slow, I need to start slow with a technique to improve myself.

Thank you!
i find that using a metronome helps, try starting very slow, then gradually speed up. like +4 bpm per subsequent run, when you find that you playing has exceeded your sloppy threshold, go back a few steps and try again!
there are different techniques used to mute unwanted strings during sweeps. one of them as u mentioned is using the thumb to mute. another which is the one i subscribe to is using the palm to mute. but this requires abit more discipline since ur picking hand literally has to be in the same angle throughout the sweep, only moving ur entire hand up and down. i'm not sure if its even possible to show it through a picture but just find an angle where ur palm mutes the string immediately after u play it. maybe the pros can explain it better, i'm still struggling to get up to speed with my sweeps lol
likui i think u can learn from john chee to pick like that but wat is the reason you want to learn how to pick like that??
john chee is the guitarist at crazy elephant i think he is a very very good guitarist but i dont know whether he teach or not ,i nearlly cried the first time i saw him play he hab great tone and feel u really should check him out i used to bring my students to crazy elephant just to see him perform.
dood friedman picks like that cos it was too painful to pick the normal way. why complicate things for urself??
Oh thats why friedman picks that way... it looks weird and sometimes "LOLable" especially on his Japanese "gameshow" thing.. Interesting thought, Anybody wanna try playing like him? He's Fast but i've seen other fast players and they pick using the conventional method too...