Tips on growing your hair long....

how about just cut one time nice nice, then let it overgrowth all over the place.
to me, the true essence of "attitude" is when u dont bother to cut your hair, not cut it nicenice longlong then headbang until shiok shiok.
Just let it grow. Do not trim. Your hair grows from the bottom anyway, you're just trimming off the dead portion. Also use leave in conditioner, or your hair will be like questlove, but flat, and impossible to comb through.
I've not had a major haircut for almost a year now. The last time I cut my hair was on new year's eve last year. To date I've only gone for trimming twice.

My take is that just go for trimming say once every 3-4 months? When you feel that your hair is long enough, you can go rebond it! \m/

Oh and all these while my lecturer thought I was a girl.....haha
Yar....rebonding is great.....I visit the hairdresser about once every 9 months. To cut and rebond again.
My take is that just go for trimming say once every 3-4 months? When you feel that your hair is long enough, you can go rebond it! \m/

Oh and all these while my lecturer thought I was a girl.....haha

i was thinking that too...ima go for a trimming session is about 3 weeks time. then just let it grow long and nice.

then might consider rebonding...cuz the hair flows damn smoothly while rebonding..kinda cool

i shampoo my hair that okay?
I rather you pay $200 for rebonding at Kimage or other reputable hair saloons than pay $80 for rebonding at any tom dick and harry neighbourhood hair saloon.

The process of rebonding needs to be carefully done by a skilled hairstylist. You don't want to risk getting your precious long hair getting dried up and screwed after a cheapo rebonding service. I actually wanted to rebond my hair 2 days ago but the hairstylist advice me against it and instead he recommended me a cheaper alternative.

Just pay $12 for a bottle of Wella Straighterner. Apply the solution on your head like how you would dye your hair and that should straighten your hair out. But of course nothing can beat the awesome power of rebonding man!
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I have been growing my hair for 11 months already, but i still feel its shorter than it suppose to be. Some of my friend say use a hair tonic as it helps to make the hair grow faster. But i lazy uh, so my hair still growing slowly.. U shud try the hair tonic if u want fast result. My friend took 6 months to grow a shoulder length hair, tad can be tied like a samurai.. Nice..
wow i need that name of the tonic? where can i get it.

but different ppl have different hair growth speeds

Name uh?? I not sure leh. He say u can find it at tekka mall shops, dunno which one. Just ask for hair tonic. Got two kind, one is smelly, one is not, so choose the less smelly one. Hehehhe..
Fantastic! I always do my rebonding at Kimage as well.

I only let Cindy at the Kimage CCK Lot 1 touch my hair. But I always pay close to $300. Pretty ex. Probably coz Cindy's a senior hair stylist. She has been the only one allowed to do my hair for the past 10 years.

I rather you pay $200 for rebonding at Kimage or other reputable hair saloons than pay $80 for rebonding at any tom dick and harry neighbourhood hair saloon.

The process of rebonding needs to be carefully done by a skilled hairstylist. You don't want to risk getting your precious long hair getting dried up and screwed after a cheapo rebonding service. I actually wanted to rebond my hair 2 days ago but the hairstylist advice me against it and instead he recommended me a cheaper alternative.

Just pay $12 for a bottle of Wella Straighterner. Apply the solution on your head like how you would dye your hair and that should straighten your hair out. But of course nothing can beat the awesome power of rebonding man!
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Actually, I find that no need any special maintenance to rebonded hair from Kimage. Except for the new grown hair which is fuzzy....but that's bo hair remains straight and nice at the ends. I just use normal moisturising shampoo and conditional.

If your hair like mine, is wavy and thick, my hair stylist's advice is not to cut too layered. Or else will fly all over the place. Must let it grow long long....then got the weight to pull everything down.
I have my hair rebonded and no it doesn't looks gay. As long as you have a masculine face, you wouldn't even look gay after doing it.
hair extensions are quite reliable too.

eee no lah...i prefer my natural hair.

its kinda sick to have someone else's hair attached to yours.

oh well..let the hair growth begin!

how long dows it take to get shoulder length? USUALLY?


eee no lah...i prefer my natural hair.

its kinda sick to have someone else's hair attached to yours.

oh well..let the hair growth begin!

how long dows it take to get shoulder length? USUALLY?



it depends
certain ppl grow hair faster and some slower.
so yea gotta wait.

for me it took 1 year plus
hmm that doesnt seem too long..but i guess if u want chest length u gotta wait around 3 years maybe?

im just damn scared that when i tell the hairdresser to trim..he cuts it short..or screws up my hair.

then have to go kerry king or daughtry.

I can't remember the last time I cut my hair... :/

Whatever it is, my hair's still so blardie short... My back is just a few centimetres below my nape and my sides are just completely covering my ears.

And darn my fringe keeps getting into my eyes...

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