time fly really FAST


New member
been awhile since i came here, especially after relocated for work. its really amazing how fast time pass. got quite a shocker that i actually played over a decade. wow just getting older and older now. i could still barely remember when i got my first guitar from luthermusic which was first located in imm, then to ginza plaza, and then now i assume in peninsular plaza.

how are you guys? on the technical side, eric johnson was always my personal goal (at least a decent cover of cliffs of dover) but shamefully even after a decade . . could barely smell about it, oh well.
Hi xJingx, looking at your "Join Date", I must say, "It's really been quite a while".

Welcome back!

* I am hitting my big 4 this year. Must make sure I live every day to its best.
SOFT has always been an escape for me all this while... good to know it's still here. my join date in't actually reflective of how long i've been around, he he...

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