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New member
A band better than Electrico and Plainsunset!


At least they say so themselves!

I'm so excited I'm anticipating the days till I can see them live!!!

"I hope you guys support our band, because we are better than A Vacant Affair, Electrico, Plainsunset, Vertical Rush, Saw Loser, Allura, West Grand Boulevard, Fire Fight, The Great Spy Experiment and last but not least, God himself."
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I love hyperbole! screw thom yorke, anyone can sing in a shitty falsetto all the time!
I think this 'best band' thing, creates an unecessary sense of competition, it is not conducive to the production of quality music.

I have never seen stuff like, best band in London on any myspace pages. Maybe 'meanest baddest blackest satanic band this side of the Thames' or whatever, just, never "BEST BAND IN LONDON".

Let us not attempt to quantify how good the bands are, music is a highly subjective issue. Instead, we should lend our support to whoever we personally feel is good. Let us not put these guys down, they're probably young, and have a way to go, perhaps a little more humility is in order, but character assassination right now seems to be a little bit harsh and cruel.

Cheers mates
Okay guys, I think I've got to clear some things up.

First of all, that message you've copied unto this thread was probably sent to you via a message on myspace. It wasn't any of us who did it. And we only found out after the deed was done. The claims within the message was just childish, and I'm really sorry if it provoked anger in you as a reader.

It was my fault that I didn't ensure a tight security measure on the password, and this gave a loophole for access and hence the set-up.

I blogged an entry immediately after I found out about everything, but I think by then it was already too late. Again, I apologise.

And this is the real myspace page - Therein is, as mentioned, an entry about the incident. Please, please, reconsider your impression towards the band. And or otherwise, I bid you well wishings in your own music career.

And Sherwin, which chicken are you choking? Me, or your ego?

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Thank you for the clarification. That clears things up...

So, I believe we ought not to brood on a small situation such as this.
Chill guys. No need for the fuss!

Let's just judge the songs for what they are and watch 'the flowers on the tree'. Whether that flower is a rose or a withered daisy is entirely up to individual opinion and taste! :) There might be some who dig the tunes and some who don't, but judge the music for what it is and not the misunderstanding that surrounds it.
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i think it's hilarious as shit, you guys need to lighten up. let's say even if he did write it, how can you even not take that as a joke?
Damn mens.. Thats the best thing i ever heard..

I wish that i could be, a harry fu in my dreams that makes me as good as Harry Fu, seating alone and fall from any grace.

If u and i were to seeeeee..none lik anyoneeeeee that u've have seeeennn...however its soooo trueeee

I made that prooomiseee that i would be better then electrico.. I made that promise TOOOOO!!!

wooOooOoOoooooo ooooo

I said u would bow to meeeeee.. for all the time i wondered why i am sooo good..

You love me until i turn cold...Lik a freeezed pork choppppp?!!!!!


When my music bloom out the shores of singpaore.. the chicks comes to me fast
Only left with ValveTrain to dominate the world.!

I wish that i could be, a harry fu in my dreams that makes me as good as Harry Fu, seating alone and fall from any grace.

If u and i were to seeeeee..none lik anyoneeeeee that u've have seeeennn...however its soooo trueeee

Piano Solo Siol~


Ghost Crying Sound!

Please sing along with Promise on his myspace plxor

ausehausheuasHHAHAHAHhahahahaha Best band!
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Eh on the contrary what's wrong with a little competition? Its not as if our music scene is so excellent that we shouldn't change anything about it.
Frankly, i though that post was pretty funny and awesome when i received it on my band's myspace. anyone can tell it was written with humour and as a puff piece. come on, how many of you haven't said at some time, at least to yourselves, oh electrico / wgb / [insert whatever well known band here] is frickin average man, i can do better?

if you haven't, you're probably not ambitious enough.

and having the cajones to go and post it on each of the bands' sites and more? respect.

the music wasn't too bad either, sounded pretty good in fact!

now i found out it was a hack, i'm actually rather disappointed.

ah well, now it's back to the self-effacing, over-humble, put-ourselves-down, sell-ourselves-short "oh no man my band sucks" cloud of negativity that seems to plague so many local bands' collective psyches - lest god forbid they be seen as believing in their own music!
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