The xxtreme machinations: A night with Florence + The Machine and The xx


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THE double-bill concert at the Esplanade Theatre was sold out.loveSo naturally I wanted to see what the fuss was all about too.

As it turned out, The xx was all about the colour blue. Swathes of it in fact. Making the whole stage look like some Na’vi stronghold. It waslovea great effect for the dreamy, almost depressingly melodramatic music produced byloveThe xx, butloveterrible for photographers, because everythinglovejust looks blue.


The sound was a touch too bass-heavy for my delicate ears, but then again maybe I’mlovegetting too old for this sort of new fangled sonic assault they call music these days.


Unfortunately, the xx didn’t do anything for me. Still, everybody else in the theatre seemed to be transported to another plane, so maybe it’s just me. loveOh well, as Chris Delia’s girlfriend would say, to each his own.

Florence And The Machine on the other hand, was mesmerising in a good way. Dressed in what I at first mistook for a nightie, but in the end looked more like a magician’s cloak, the flame-haired singer played the part of a musical high priestess and everyone was there to worship at her altar.

Florence preaches to her congregation

It simply was magical, supernatural even. Yes, despitelovethe lighting havinglovesort of the same dreamy hue as The xx.
Her mic could shoot rays of light

A supernatural performance

Okay, I was trying for the "Dylan at the Concert For Bangladesh" shot but not quite pulling it off

Florence And The Machine in full flight: Even the musicians can shoot beams of light
