The X2N Showcase


New member
Hi all!
As some of you know, I got an X2N to replace the Breed bridge in my guitar... so yeah, might as well give a review on this unique pup. 8)

The X2N is Dimarzio's highest output humbucker, right up there with 510mA of output as compared to the Evolution bridge (404mA), Fred (305mA) and Tonezone (375mA). It looks hella nasty with its twin bar magnets. :twisted:

On to the tone... the X2N is a MONSTER on gain. Expected eh? But the thing is, most applications of the X2N has been with scooped mids, your standard heavy metal eq setting, which gives it a thin sound. The tone guide at dimarzio's shows the mids of the X2N is on par with its treble and thats quite a lot of mids! So!
When you up the mids on your amp so its say, Bass 6 Mids 7 Treble 5, you get a THICK crushing tone. Very different from what you usually heard from players using the X2N. Of course, should you like Chuck Schuldiner's tone, that scooped mids with high treble, or Michael Romeno's tone, the X2N will do that with ease.

On using the X2N as a lead as per Chuck Schuldiner, it sounds thin (scooped mids) but very very cutting. Its got a lot of bite and the sustain is great!
If you up your mids, the tone starts to fatten up a lot, however, you wouldn't get a Tonezone thickness lah... check out the recording below for how thick it can go.

Now, for other applications, the X2N is surprisingly versatile! If you are on a clean channel, the X2N's high output would probably overdrive your amp if it doesn't have high headroom but then that sounds very much like a tube amp abt to break up, nice cruncy tone.
On clean clean, I imagined the X2N turning my guitar (Ibanez S520EX) into a strat, albeit with slightly thicker tone! When I turn the X2N to parallel wiring, I get a great funk guitar tone! Yes, its great for strumming funk lines and your pop songs. :wink: However, overall clean tone is thin although it retains its cutting qualities and its not as warm as a Breed but still it does not sound synthetic.

In a nut shell, the X2N is a tremendous pup for high gain music and even within that, it can be versatile going from thick to thin all the while maintaining a crushing drive. On the other hand, the will be others who are more interested in whether it can handle other forms of music and thats where it can do it. Of course, don't try jazz with this. :wink:

And yes, I love it to death. :twisted:

Here is a recording of the X2N in action. The Left and Right rhythm guitars are all using the X2N and so is the Lead.
Equipement and settings as follows.
Guitar (Ibanez S520EX with X2N bridge) --> TS9DX (standard TS9 setting with gain at 8 oclock, level MAX and tone at 1 oclock) --> Boss SD-2 (Lead channel, level at 10, tone at 1030, drive at 1.30) --> Roland Microcube (JC setting, tone at 12) --> Computer using cakewalk SONAR
Unfortunately, I didn't have the time to go thru the clean tones of the X2N in the recording but well, here it is in all its heavy metal glory.

X2N Showcase
Hahaha... thank you Malcom! 8)

Anyway, I forgot to add that the X2N has good harmonics, it can really scream but it wouldn't jump out as easily as EMG81s. Plus, in terms of responsiveness, it does very well in the area of rock/metal IMO, even when clean, you pick hard, its soft, you pick harder, it gets louder, you dig in, the signal starts to break up. However, it doesn't have the subtle nuances of a pickup like the Breed...
How would the X2N compare to the SD Invader I wonder... both are high gain monsters built for hard rock/metal...
Would love to hear how it handles cleans... some dude once said the Invader had been used by Jazz players... 8O
hi cow
i haf X2n on my old yamaha(sumthin like RG). i like the clean sound, its kinda thick(my amp iz set at bass5 mid5 treble3.5). but wif dist, its got dis mesh up sound(esp the loose bass), dun haf the nice thick crunch. i find it harder to do the zakk wlyde thingie(pinch harmonics), as compare to EMG81. but i kinda like the single coil twang(installed push-pull pot to switch btw humbuck & single).

so maybe its my cheap yamaha dat make the PUs sounded not as good. but previously i had it on epip SG, its got same thing happenin

anyway i cant hear ur clip cos my office pc dun haf spk :(
wangdexian said:
How would the X2N compare to the SD Invader I wonder... both are high gain monsters built for hard rock/metal...
Would love to hear how it handles cleans... some dude once said the Invader had been used by Jazz players... 8O

*salivates* i'm waiting to make payment for a Washburn guitar i get off ebay... Invader and Screaming Demon PUs installed... :twisted:
Invader in the neck 8O the owner put Invader neck, Hot Rails middle, Screaming Demon Bridge.

i'm probably gonna play around for a bit and then decide which PUs to put where... haha (got SSL5 and JB Jr -never tried- lying around at home as well so heh.)
ShredCow nice clip,

the X2N,Invader to my ears are almost similar sounding, only diff is the midrange frequency.
Anyway, i prefer the X2n to the invader,due to the double looks cool.
as for the tone,i do the alteration on the amp.

im using .10 gauge,the low bass note might sound differently on the .09 gauge.
currently i prefer duncan distortion,as it has more attack, i feel quite close to Emg 81...and my pu`s are not connected to tone pots..all direct.

Daniel, saw a caparison at yahoo auction..3k...oouch...
sure... hahaha...

don't want to hijack ShredCow's thread... probably post a Invader showcase thread when i get it. Will have to pardon my poor playing skills then thou... :P
I'm scared of Invader in the neck... might get too muddy.
Hmm, I like the treble reduced in the bridge pickup, the treble should be where it belongs! : the neck. That's for me and why I like the Invader in the bridge alot.
The X2N is still one heck of a monster pickup though. 8O
The main reason the X2N (or any other hi gain pup) sounds muddy is because its too close to the strings.

Try lowering it. :) Lose a bit of that gain for some much needed clarity.

I dunno abt the Invader but yeah, twin blades rock harder! :twisted:
hey cow.. u are good man.. i heard u are the winner for the guitar competition at tampines? the one held at tampines i mean.. the yamaha guitar competition.. say u have a band?? i would really love to check it out man.. sorry for the irrelevance.. now back to the topic.. i like ur tone man.. sounds way cool!!
yup... I won that competition... :)

Nope, not in any band right now, just serving NS playing guitar in MDC. All the stuff you hear on my website are done by me, everything expect guitars are programmed. Kind of sad but it get my musicial ideas thru. :roll:
OH MDC!!!!finally.. someone. is in.. can u tell me.. wat are they looking for in a guitarist for MDC? cuz i wanna go there... when my time comes..

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