The X & X Japan Official Thread

spell my name properly or call me lola je k?

anw..yea i got that whole concert of extacy 19991 and 1992...u want..can come my house..take what u wnat..i ok one..
whee i get to get the hide museum book! this sunday! thats second best to erm going to the actual museumi guess. my friends friend was in japan for a few days or smth like that and the lemoned shop was open for a few days coicidentally! he bought it and is selling it to us ^^! want me to put up some scans when i do get it?
oops sry this is aking quite long. u see cause my cousin's friend got it from japan when the lemoned shop was open just for that day and i said id split it 50/50 with my cousin and he took it home. so i didnt get chance to scan it yet X= it mostly has pictures of the musuem and stuff really cool = ) oh ya yoshiki did talk bout the fest in his blog. he said he wont be playing in it though =/ only asking people from japan to perform. Drums solo

Check the link up there. Look at some of the comments. A lot of misunderstanding going on.

"That was the crappiest drum solo ever"
"that was shit"
"what is this?"

etc etc etc.

People are missing the point of Yoshiki's drum solo. There are reasons why he plays the way he does. There are reasons why theres classic music in the background. Theres a reason why he is playing fast and random beats sometimes.

The answer all of this is ART. People dont know that X Japan is all about Visual Kei. Which means visuals/art. People are so blind that all people look at music today is for skills in music. I like other drummers Buddy Rich, Chad, Neil Peart etc etc. I love them all, I love all drummers because every drummer out there in the world has their own way of playing with their own unique style. They want to show what they are capable of. But.... when people see Yoshiki,

Why is it diefferent?

Because people dont see ART in music at all. X Japan have created something that no other bands were able to do for the first time in rock history. Inspired by the famous american band KISS, X Japan is just more than make ups, they are more deeper in relation with the music and the visuals.

Yoshiki's movement on the drums is one of the most brilliant thing I've ever seen. His hair and his posture while playing drums is absolutely beautiful to watch. So much passion and power.

So bascailly people dont know what X Japan is, if they dont know what the drum solo is all about, they dont know X Japan. Its funny how people dont know because when you see a drummer playing a solo, people will get it right away that he is playing some awsome beats. When people see a band playing they get it that they are playing awsome tunes. But half of the people out there dont know what the hell is going with X Japan.

X Japan is just so powerful in a way that people just cant understand. Like Yoshiki, people dont understand this man's amazing talent with music, its so deep that people wont understand and it would take days to figure out what Yoshiki and his music is all about.

Thats how people are now, your going to see it everyday. People are more ignorant and ignoring the deper meaning of music. All they do is just listen to it and if it sounds good they will like it. They dont study, people are too lazy today that they dont even TRY TO UNDERSTAND the music.

To me Yoshiki's drum solo is one of the best drum solo I've ever seen. It stands out every drummers solo out there becuase he is probably the only drummer who played like this. Not to mention his injury on his neck just shows that he uses his full body with heart, soul and passion just to play the drums.

Thats a huge sacrafice and its a good one too.

credit: Cruor of X-Freak
I noticed that Yoshiki's style of drumming is influenced by his classical training.

My teacher told me that , from her experience when a classical pianist improvises , he/she fills the entire bar with semi quavers and quavers leaving no room even for a single rest.

I guess that's why Yoshiki does non stop drumming without any rest beat.

And yet still stupid fuckers out there compared him to Chris Adler, Joey Jordison..

I think Yoshiki style is not about how good, tecnical he is, but about the ART
Yeah slapshock , totally agree with you.

He has his own unique style of playing which I feel is totally different from other metal/rock drummers out there. I can even pick out some of his "trademark" drum beats/techniques.

Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't that double stroke cum snare beat one of Yoshiki's trademark? So far I've not seen any drummer who does that kind of beat.
Thats true man, that


You can only hear Yoshiki do this, and it is in all of X Japan songs... haha, he use it at the slow part.
Singapore X Japan tribute band will be performing on June 3rd, On D'Japan Festival.

The band will be covering all 5 X Japan songs.

Band name: sLapshocked
Song list: 5 X Japan songs, Kurenai and X will be covered this time.

To all X Japan fans, time to get crazy!

Band Name: Slapshocked
Genre: X Japan Tribute Band
Number of members: 6

Slapshocked was formed in December 2006 for one reason only: To contribute a full set of X Japan songs for the audience who would be present during the D'J Party of June 2007. Following the success of Eden of Rebirth in 2005, Slapshocked intends to surpass audience expectations by performing all of X Japan's most popular songs, both ballads and trash metal alike, maintaining a level of technicality worthy to be recognised as THE X Japan tribute band on the island. The reason for the band name comes from the online nickname of the bassist in the local music forums who has become synonymous with a thorough study of X Japan discographia, "Slapshock". The band only has intentions to perform up till the D'J Party of 2007, after which it will be disbanded. For the X Japan fans in Singapore, D'J Party would be the last chance to catch Slapshocked in the act, so don't miss out on it!


p/s: i so :oops:

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