The X & X Japan Official Thread


Could'nt tell....I never knew he played guitar....

I seriously cant imagine how this will turn out...

Either very good!!!

or damn bad.....
dude, you really got to see taiji play voiceless screaming. you go youtube you find the song voicelss screaming, its taiji songs for X...

dude that song really really hard on guitars... taiji play it acoustic live...together with pata...
its composed by him. walao, definately not yoshiki style of ballads what. very very american leh the song...

desperate angel also by taiji.
we've talked about voiceless screaming a few pages ago, and that taiji composed that

Hah, perhaps you've not been visiting soft a lot...
but nevermind, u learn something new today rite.

and dont tell me, u still believe that yoshiki break taiji arm in a fight. thats a fucking bullshit ive ever heard.

if they both fight, taiji surebeat up yoshiki for good
dw Xlayer your not the only onewho hasnt been visiting the forums alot lately X= adn well yeah, my version of voiceless screaming says "taiji composer" when i play it on WMA
u think i can play? u definately havent seen my video on youtube rite the one im playing weekend.. lol!!

ok 3 tips for you

1.practice practice and practice...
2.practice practice and practice...
3.practice practice and practice...

dont you think weekend basslines very sexy? im turned on everything when i played weekend, btw...NEVER NEVER NEVER learned the HEATH version, it sucks like fuck...sorry heath. get the original version by taiji.
I hear Weekend's structure wasn't from Yoshiki though.

Bay City Rollers, was it?

I think so, thats probably why the Live ones are a little different,
But then again, most of X's lives aren't exactly the same as the ones on the records.
Which song of Bay City Rollers you referring too?

No, X didnt really improvise/deprovise during lives, they play much the same but X JAPAN did deprovise(read again: deprovise) in their lives.

Look at dahlia tour/last live's how sucks can their weekend be? how sucks can their kurenai solo be?

X Japan version of weekend is so awfull.