The X & X Japan Official Thread

toshi is actually not a good singer (that would be the first comment by a judge if he enter relaity show)

toshi has no vibrato unlike Gackt or Hyde (to name some) who have a powerfull vibrato and make a use of it.

and often toshi vocal always breaks when he hit high pitch, but that when he goes really high off limit (cant compared to Steelheart vocalist of cause)

actually toshi has a very bad voice, in his early days 1984-87 he sounds like chipmunk, can hear in X (indies) songs like Time Trip Loving, Feel Me Tonight, X, Orgasm and Kurenai.

Then during 1987-92, no more sounds like chipmunk but ore "shatterry" voice, unclear, and bad english, very very very bad english prnouncation. Can try Blue Blood, Kurenai, Unfinished

1992-94, He's getting better, just hear Silent Jealousy, and then getting better in 1994, Rusty Nail..

Then comes Toshi "final voice evolution" in 1996, his english pronouncation improved a lot, just compared Unfinished to Dahlia or Tears. His voice is different.

Anyway, if you hear lots of X raw live records, toshi sounds really really bad. ive got a raw live recording of Art of Life, Toshi sounds really really bad, even 100times worst then the Tears that taiji posted in the previous post.

And during his indies era 1985-1987 toshi voice always goes way off-key & out of tune to the hilarious and embrassing extend, if you hear it for yourself. i always have a good laugh everytime i played kurenai 1985 (live @ yoshiki birthday gig)

Whatever it is i like Toshi voice during Vanishing Vision era, 1987-92. Sounds really nice.

So, conclusion - toshi voice is either you like it or hate it.for first time who hear X songs, some may find the vocalist arent good, some may find the vocalist damn good.

p/s: as for me, there is no single human on earth who can sounds like toshi, they either sounds bad when they are try to immitate, or they cant sounds like toshi at all.

ramli sarip + amy search = toshi

off topic: oh btw, malay rocker have lots of powerfull voice too, those malay rocker kapak (some still active today) really has good voice who you cna differentiate between each other and play a really really big part in a band (if vocal quit,whole band sure cant go anywhere)

big names like - nash lefthanded, salim iklim, ramli sarip (paparock), amy search, awie wings, bandi amuk, shamrin fotograf, mus may, rahmat ekamatra, joey BPR are those who contribute alot in Malay rock and Music indiestries, whom voice is really realy suprb and has their own fan base. Hails.

my personal fav. is amy search of course.
nope i dont think so. octave doesnt mean everything. its the texture toshi voice that make him special and one of a vocalist who none can sounds like.

just imagine xjapan songs sang by other singer, it doesnt work.

p/s: i dont think the vocalist in the youtube you posted has any special on him, he just singing it in key, any mainstream european vocalist can sing like that or even better.

but anywya, "better" is subjective...

my opinion.
Ya, but that boy is so far the best cover i ever seen, the rest are shits,

Toshi reminds me of axl frm GNR, haha
taiji said:
Ya, but that boy is so far the best cover i ever seen, the rest are shits

Toshi reminds me of axl frm GNR, haha

u must understand how hard is it to sing xjapan songs, and that is why how many covers of xjapan can you find on net with vocals. other x italy(italy), eden of rebirth(singapore), pandora x(brazil) and aneroxia(france). all of this bands listed vocalist cant pull of toshi voice.

another thing is the timing problem that almost all vocalist will have a problem with when singing x songs. songs like silent jealousy, rose of pain, blue blood this are a few songs that need high stamina in order to keep in time, or else, or if you lose focus, the singing timing will out.

instead of saying "shit", why dont you appreciate their "braveness" for singing xjapan song and make a x cover sucessfull?

nice or not nice is another thing.

but of course, a successfull cover is those whose band has a good vocalist. but do you find any? that guy can sing endless rain, well, he's in tune, and so far the best (i admit, and obviously for you), but i am 100% sure he will have timing problem if he sing fast pace X songs, ill kill you, kurenai, sadistic desire, rose of pain .. (to name some).

because that guy who sing endless rain in youtube kind of "SHRIEKING" his voice to keep the tune.

dont you think so?

well, one man meat is another man poison, one man terrorist is another man freedom fighter

p/s:recently read of a post on a forum who looking for a vocalist who can pull off exactly like toshi voice.. that would be great if he really successfull.
haha, ya, jun is good, but in a band, its not enough to be just good, your skills must merge with other band member's skills, just like how hide duet with pata and yoshiki bass drum with taiji bass line
sLapshock said:
taiji said:
Ya, but that boy is so far the best cover i ever seen, the rest are shits

Toshi reminds me of axl frm GNR, haha

u must understand how hard is it to sing xjapan songs, and that is why how many covers of xjapan can you find on net with vocals. other x italy(italy), eden of rebirth(singapore), pandora x(brazil) and aneroxia(france). all of this bands listed vocalist cant pull of toshi voice.

another thing is the timing problem that almost all vocalist will have a problem with when singing x songs. songs like silent jealousy, rose of pain, blue blood this are a few songs that need high stamina in order to keep in time, or else, or if you lose focus, the singing timing will out.

instead of saying "shit", why dont you appreciate their "braveness" for singing xjapan song and make a x cover sucessfull?

nice or not nice is another thing.

but of course, a successfull cover is those whose band has a good vocalist. but do you find any? that guy can sing endless rain, well, he's in tune, and so far the best (i admit, and obviously for you), but i am 100% sure he will have timing problem if he sing fast pace X songs, ill kill you, kurenai, sadistic desire, rose of pain .. (to name some).

because that guy who sing endless rain in youtube kind of "SHRIEKING" his voice to keep the tune.

dont you think so?

well, one man meat is another man poison, one man terrorist is another man freedom fighter

p/s:recently read of a post on a forum who looking for a vocalist who can pull off exactly like toshi voice.. that would be great if he really successfull.

You must understand some just sound very awful, the vocalist dont even have talent in singing in the 1st place and he want to imitate toshi, that is learning to walk when u even cant crawl and that is really shit, though i do appreciate and see some hard effort some vocalist put in. Like the boy i mention previously.

Eden of rebirth!!!, arent you the bassist for the band, haha that was a great band, steve and ricky were great too haha, i can see the vocalist is putting in hard work but just doesnt sound right perharps the recording was bad, my friend saw your band perform live, he quote that it didnt sound so bad as the recording in youtube... but sadly eden of rebirth is dysfunc, lol
well maybe we think differently, but i appreciate anyone who cover xjapan song. its so hard to find.

i personally know the vocalist from italy, from x cover band x italy... he have the same thinking as me too.

yes, the band dysfunc. one become bartender (dont touch music at all), one become a guitarist in a jrock band called gethsemane, one become pro-cyclist, one become a business man and one starting a new xjapan band who will sound like xjapan with its player worth 5 years experiance and a vocalist who can sing exactly like toshi, check this band out next year jrock fest.
sLapshock said:
well maybe we think differently, but i appreciate anyone who cover xjapan song. its so hard to find.

i personally know the vocalist from italy, from x cover band x italy... he have the same thinking as me too.

yes, the band dysfunc. one become bartender (dont touch music at all), one become a guitarist in a jrock band called gethsemane, one become pro-cyclist, one become a business man and one starting a new xjapan band who will sound like xjapan with its player worth 5 years experiance and a vocalist who can sing exactly like toshi, check this band out next year jrock fest.

i thought ricky joined gethsemane as a drummer?, i saw him at the singapore street festival this year, haha steve funny sia, went to be a cyclist, lol, getting vocalist who can pull toshi voice exactly is like finding a needle in a haystack :( but anyway good luck to you though, haha
no you're wrong. ricky only played the street festival for gethsemane once and now heard he's going to start a REAL SINGAPORE XJAPAN COVER. im the bartender. the vocalist went on some old school rock band, i dont know, never meet him or contact in 1 year. and yes...

steve really super funny..a cyclist.
wow, that guy has a good vocal...
anyway..there's another parody of xjapan kurenai..damn funny.... the yoshiki of the video use the "hanging drum" , pata is fat..i dont know where to find on youtube..but i gt tht video on my desktop