The Songs that u find difficult to cover


New member
Heya guys/
its me again

so wanna share your thoughts on what songs u find it hard to cover so far.:)

here is my list.

2)Flies-Black Dahlia Murder
4)The Dance of Eternity-Dream theater


Most of them i got a hard time learning..even cracks up my brain
black dog by led zeppelin. the freaking shifting time signature of the drums gets the whole band confused. the drum beat seems simple but if the drummer pulls it off the rest of the band gets confused. its really not as easy as it seems. we cant get past the first riff.. :(
All the Meshuggah songs.. i don't have a 7-string, so i have to tune my guitar really low, and when i finally tune so low, i sometimes give up on the timing, then tune it all the way back up again, because i have to learn other songs :/
necrophagist songs are kinda impossible for me, its also very tricky 2 growl and play at the same time.. their stuff makes dragonforce songs so easy to learn..hahah..