The Sidewalk - Angel


New member
Hey, haha..this was the song my band and i wrote which we donated to the Straits Times Pocket Money Fund CD Compilation. Not sure if anyone here bought it or went for the launch at DXO (where we had a greater time than usual). Anyway, this is the final mix which is upgraded from the version we donated. Hope everyone can listen and give some comments. We are thinking of re recording the song due to an overall sense that we somehow didn't feel the song as much as we would have liked during the recording. Go ahead and blast us too if u guys like, cause that's how we all learn :)

Here's the link :
Good effort. The main vocals are very good. The backing vocals cannot make it. The song is nice but IMO, it would have benefitted with a much stronger ending. The solo was nice but would have been great if it had some sort of build-up - too much finesse as it is.
Again good effort. Keep it up.
yea man..totally agreed bout the solo lacking a build up..will think bout how to improve on that..i think the harmony was done in a rush real thought put to i agree it kinda bombed..:S thanks! Do continue to give comments helps loads i swear..:D