The sad event


New member
In view of the recent Assasination of Benazir Bhutto in Pakistan,which adds on fuel on fire for extreme type of hatred,what do you think people of the world should do to help the situation?

get off the internet, reach out to see the world, seek the truth in life, spread the message of love, with the idea of we and not I, as one and not self. To help in every sense, of the little thing we can do, to make a better day for the people we dont know, or already been a part of our life

But first of all, must get off the internet first. Coz internet, like the many distraction in life, has serve us well, but yet having its own damage as well

we see, but not feel, talk but not do, hear but not think and after a while, everything goes back to normal


I would like to listen to your elaboration,what has internet failed to serve us as humanitarian causes?
you can never stop hatred.. hatred is part of us.. anger and hatred. We can never abolish hate we can never make peace. When there are humans there are ego and all that can cause hatred and then when its too much it'll lead to violence. hatred will be here as long as humans will be.
internet reach out to many, but outta the many, some read and feel too much without seeing the real situation, start to hang banner, slogan to campaign for a cause. Sometime just get a bit sad to see these sorta like a trend to those people. It is so easy to start, but to carry on for long term, that one cant really see.

Some see, some feel, quietly they go doing, constantly over a long period of time, then start to talk about the process, how they find the strength to carry on doing so. Those, i got many respect, but seem like they just dont want to talk much and continuing to do what they can, to make changes in life of others and theirs.

and before the assisination of Benazir, theres already so many problems, what have we done, if really wanna make a different. We dont even need to look far to feel, just look round our region, burma.. and its not just a recent issue, when everything can be dated back to 1988..

hehe, i talk too much but i didnt do anything either..
Benazir Bhutto was the BOMB!


How can you not like fall in head over heels over a woman that looks as stunning as her?

Okay, bad jokes aside, and i'm sure there will be several more pertaining her surname, it's quite a sad case really.

Who' s to blame?

Let's take a look at this link.

While it seems plausible that Musharraf assasinated his political opponent, it is equally plausible that an extremist group carried out the killing of a popular secularist.. There simply isn't enough information coming out internationally to determine the truth.

And to clarify things even further, she wasn't really a saint. Why has Bhutto considered posthumously a saint? She was in power in Pakistan twice and both times was removed and charged with severe corruption. Her father was tried and executed for corruption and attempted murder. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but as far as I can tell she is a corrupt leader who saw the current instability in Pakistan as an opportunity to make yet another power grab. Apparently it turned out to be more dangerous than thought.


1) It was during her tenure in power (93-96) when the Taliban rose to power largely fueled by military and logistics support from the Pakistani military.

2) In addition to laying siege to the main city of Pakistan (Karachi) she had political opponents gunned down in extra judicial killings - over 2500 people died. Some of them may admittedly have been criminals but without due process there is no way to know what percentage were political opponents, criminals or innocents - The city was referred to as the City of Death (Lookup the 1995 issue of The pakistani magazine the Herald and/or lookup the human rights watch reports of the same year)

3) She killed her own brother in cold blood (She was the PM, he was killed by cops and the investigation was shelved) - Her niece's op-ed about it - ...

4) She was not in exile but fled the corruption cases against her (she was convicted of money laundering in Switzerland and had cases against her in England and Spain). Pakistan's entire annual budged is 2-3 billion and she stole the same amount over her 5-6 years in power... Her husband was referred to as Mr. 10% (10% of all spending would go to him) - About her conviction in Switzerland - ...

5) She did nothing for women's rights. Pakistan had an oppressive law wherein failing a rape conviction the raped woman is automatically sentenced as an adulterer (big deal in Paki). That law (Hudood Ordinance) existed since the 70's and was repealed last year. The primary reason she didn't do anything, didn't want to take on the religious right

6) She was in power because of her dad (Zulfiqar Bhutto) and 'ruled' her own party, when the party structure itself had not an iota of democracy how could she be called the champion of it? Also she was campaigning to have the law removed whereby no one can hold the prime ministers office more then twice - she had held it twice before and been kicked out twice for corruption. Additionally she was in negotiations with Musharraf (a military dictator) to share power...


Conspiracy? Maybe. Inside Job? Maybe. Just a little too convenient for Musharraf's liking.
Initiate: i guess..wad goes ard comes around..

i found it amusing at first to see her face on the front page saying that she's been assassinated..maebe becos we dont see this everyday..but the humour lasted a few seconds tho.
politics is OK, as long as its not singapore politics

we dunno if it was extremists behind the attack. but if terrorists can successfully take out political figures, it could reach a stage where they become the de facto rulers of pakistan. that is a problem
as it is with politics, the circumstances are uncertain, believing what the media propels isn't quite the way to truth. this is the price to pay if militant presence isn't curbed.
Very unfortunate indeed..This is what happens when good politicians try to do too much. From India we had Indira Gandhi, now one of the top qualified women in the world just went out of physical existence. Pakistan coulda been much better with her as a prominent figure.

IMHO, she shoulda continued living abroad, at least find a reason to do so. I don't know about General Musharraf or what part he played in the assasination if he did have one, but that guy's totally unpredictable. She knew the dangers. Nothing comes out of being dead and knowing you're in danger and yet jump into the pit. But whatever it is, may she rest in peace and may God or a supernatural force bless or shower cosmological dust onto good politicians.
"Perhaps you, too, are a child of war. In some way I assume you are. They can come in different shapes and guises, but always wars come in increments. I am convinced there are steps, and that once these events are set in motion, they are virtually impossible to reverse. There were other steps in the country's stumble toward war, and I remember these days clearly now. But again, at the time I did not recognize these days as such, not as steps but as days like any others."

What is the What - by Dave Eggers