The real meaning of "Having An Ego in Drumming"–How This Would Hamper Growth?

The real meaning of "Having An Ego in Drumming"–How This Would Hamper Growth?

Please Discuss - This is very very applicable to DXS especially at the Xchange. This is a great Topic for discussion....
What is the true meaning of Having An Ego in Drumming – and How and Why Would this Hamper Our Growth Here? This is very applicable at DXS Meetup.

Ego is actually very related to Fear…meaning Fear into making mistakes when we play.

If a person has Ego, he will try not to play when he is not that good or is New because he is afraid of making mistakes - the more stuffs you try the more mistakes surface ….and that he is afraid that others will observe his mistakes and says “he is not that good” – That of course hurts any drummer’s Ego (afterall we are Human Beings)….thus..

Mistakenly, many thought that ------ ‘Having An Ego” means “Showing-Off” – which is really not 100% true based on above. If we want to be good in Drumming – we have to understand this fact. Why so ?

Say for example, DXS Members coming to the Xchange is always to have Shared-Experience should never have their EGO at DXS …because this hamper our improvements in drumming. There is nothing to be shy about (even if we are a Totally New into drummings) – because nobody will laugh or should laugh at another drummer….. But, if we are drumming in a Gig (yes of course it only natural that Fear exists due to our EGO (afraid we don’t play well there) – in any normal human being but at the Xchangge – this is the time where we should not be afraid of making Mistakes, letting go of Fear thus Ego (measuring our Self_worth) – because this is where we all learn and share among Bros & Sis – we are a family, we can afford to make mistakes at the Xchange not in a gig …right? This is the opportunity for us to let Free, No Pressure At DXS Meetup and play freely.

How often, do we sometimes experience that – when we try to play something good (or try to playback certain stuffs that sounded very good sometimes back then accidentally when we feel free & relax and incidentally we managed to do a fill-In that sounded great to our ears) but could not repeat that again when we tried very hard to re-create that same Fill-In in front of audiences or in a gig or at DXS ….Many I guess. This is because of EGO. Putting pressure on ourself - and the harder we try, the worst we play....sound familiar?

We wanted to recreate something that sounded good (out of SELF-EGO to sound good in front of others)– but it will never happen again…. Then we feel very lousy inside…measuring our Self-Worth – that we are not worthy as a good drummer because we can’t do it again - - - I believe this is very common and it happened to many.

I read this from a book, about musicianship which my Band-Leader gave me and I think it does applies to DXS when we were doing Xchanges – Lets come to Xchange and Free Our Minds (don’t pressurize ourself thinking we have to drum good and at our best there), let go of our Self-EGO to sound good (and be prepared to make mistakes) play with a free mind – and when you do this – you will be surprise how great you sound on the drums.

I believe in this and I believe this is the right concept of how we should approach DXS meetup when we share and play in front of all our Bros and Sis. Let’s adopt this manner of approach and I believe we will all excel at a faster pace….cause we are all unique by ourself, we do have our own style (though we all have tried to copy a bit here and there from many other drummers), at the end - We still have our own Style in Playing, our own creativity so forth.....Letting go of our Self-Ego will surface these fruits....try it

The one who taught me this was my band-Leader, I have to give this Credit to him … and it spells Truth.
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Hmm, this topic is valuable and at the same time, sensitive.


We've been trying to grow DXS for some time now, and while it has definitely progressed far, it can still be so much better.

One of the reasons we are always struggling to have great participation and attendence is related to self-confidence, ego, pride, whatever you call it.

While they are not exactly the same, they are all related.


From past exchanges and experience, I observed a number of things, pertaining most to the human nature.

There are some who come but dare not play.

There will be others that come and see, then find maybe not wise to play cos not up to scratch. They might only play when they are better than most, or perhaps everyone else.

Then there are those that will never play, but just come and watch and observe, learn.


Now, there isn't really a true right or wrong for the above.

It indeed does hamper our aim to grow DXS though.

Those that are in this, together, we will not stop trying to grow.


The reason why DXS is called DXS --- Drum Exchange, is an ideal, an aim to conquer human reservedness, "pai seh", "kiasi" of human nature.

Human nature, very impossible to conquer. LKY once said, integration of various races might take centuries, or millenia.

We will most likely fail, but we will never stop trying.

I can see some of the younger ones, not afraid to play, not afraid to make mistake. Dare to say, "don't know" , and dare to say "I want to learn and improve myself"

For these, we are indeed here for you guys !!!!! :mrgreen:
wow. what you speak is true.
very true. most of the time you become a different person when you drum.. happens to me though. during jam sessions.

hey about the 23rd feb rite, is it gonna be like, for example, brandon playing in front of us while teaching or is it gonna be like one on one helping each other type of thing? i hope you know what i'm talking about cos i'm not quite sure myself.

cn you tell me more about the 23rd exchange? cos i'm thinking of goin nd i need to know what sorts of things you guys are gonna do there and how..

thanks man.

really like readig your post. very meaningful
Hmm I admit that I'm one of those guys that don't dare to play when previous drummers were loads alfe said...paiseh and malu...

Previous meetup I only "malu-malu" whack abit test marc's snare at the end of the meetup...2nd time on the mapex set...


I thought this before...

Maybe on the 2nd half of the meetups, we can have a couple of drummers Play Along to a song of their choice...and have guests drummers give comments to improve.( of course this requires a decent sound system )

This way, we can fully utilise the guest drummers ( then again...they always have a hectic schedule and rarely stick around for 2nd half... )...

Just an idea...don't flame me please.haha. =)
very meaningful and enlightening post... i never realised quite alot of things until i read it.
bro Jugman,

Brandon came during our January 08 Drum Xchange, so its over already... u can still see video highlights in the features section though ;)

23rd February will be a event at our new home - Jurong Green CC. There will be two segments - one a opening item and 8 of our soft drummers will be doing a group drumming item, then we will have a drum challenge and 3 pairs of our drummers will "square off" against each other, please come and hope to see you around !!! :mrgreen:

Frummer, I very proud of you already.... keep it up !!! No matter how far or as fast you progress... your best shot is good enough....
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yea yea i watched brandon's video already on youtube.

yea okay i'll try to come but i'm not a member yet. i also dunno if i have things on that day. i'll try to make it free.

what time is it?
NOTE: - Most of these are adopted from my BandLeader - to change my radical thinking towards HOW TO PLAY WELL...and the right approach to Music - This is applicable to drumming - cause I've tried and applied this....

Self Worth

The Quality of a Person’s Playing can determine his/her Self-Worth. Feeling of little self-worth is very common in musicians (young & old alike) even to Professionals. It seems that in order to be good, you have to play good and Musician who falls into this trap won’t really enjoy Music and life itself cause it brings anxiety and can be depressing many a times. Each solo can be an acid test of apparent worth. This Self-Ego here is more volatile than the stock market for some…. and they rarely play anything of depth.

Fear Of Failure (EGO), Afraid Of Sounding Bad.

Many people realize that when it didn’t matter they play so much better. Our own experience should prove this when we don’t care. – By Not Caring You Play Better. This New Age Philosophy should be – True Acceptance Of Oneself (letting Go Of Ego) and the Fear Of Failure will be gone !. The Easiest way to do the Art (Drumming here) is to dispense with Success and Failure altogether and Get On With It…..A person who is not afraid to fail, succeeds and a person who is not afraid to sound terrible may sound great….this is not guarantee but the essential element of understanding this must be here….just Play. Reasons give birth to doubt, which destroy the thought-power before it is able to fulfill it’s destiny and fear takes away the strength of what you are doing. Without Fear of Playing the wrong things/Rudiments etc. you will feel the body craving for more air, and a new posture would emerge spontaneously. Do not wait for fulfillment, but brace yourself for failure. We need to reprogram ourselves to music/drumming on firmer grounds here. Pre-occupation with sounding good severely limit one’s vision.

There is nothing wrong with wanting to play well, but needing to play well is The Problem here. You don’t need to play great, you already are great and if you play from that perspective , your music/drumming will become deeper. You will see beyond the limited goal of sounding good.

The true fact is it that it is not even important that you play drums or music again in fact many of you have a greater chance of happiness if you STOP PLAYING RIGHT NOW UNLESS …… you change your relationship to playing and the approach to Drumming & Music?.

Your level of Proficiency at DXS is not so important and if you realize this – you will benefit from it because if you decide it’s not so important YOU MIGHT PLAY A LOT BETTER.

Do not be consumed with the egotistical need to sound good. Who cares if you play another note of Music? No One. What global purpose are you fulfilling? What burning need? Do you think there is a shortage of good Drummers or Musicians? – Fear Not there are a lot of good musicians and growing each year. So with this – Take away the Ego and the Fear to Sound Good, be yourself…Just Play
Many suffer great pain and fear in attempting to play something well (drums for instances) But this fear is quite irrational. Some of us play as if there is a gun being held to our head – If there is – then it is because we’re holding it. How can we assess our Self-Worth with every note or stroke that we play, Enslaved by EGO we encased in Fear. What are the consequences of playing Poorly, nothing really compared with the consequences of jumping off a cliff….right? But to myself too at DXS Xchange initially –when Alfe ask me out to play it’s like asking or pushing me off a cliff – But I’ve learned along the way (Thanks to my Band-Leader).

Many of us have formed an unhealthy linkage between who we are and how we play. We fear being inadequate and that leads to ineffective playing, practicing and listening. Fear (which is EGO) closes all doors to the true self….and vice versa.

Fear (EGO) cause you to ignore the ideas that wants to come out naturally. They seems too obvious Trapped in thoughts, you cannot groove cause fear of sounding bad robs the Music of all it’s strength. Don’t be afraid to play the Phrase you know these are the ones that groove. If you are overcome by the need to be “Modern” or “Complex” in your playing you might end up sounding terrible if you are not ready…just be yourself and play freely,.recreate in your own way as you play. If you try to create someone else sound when you are not ready and you lack power and depth - you will Fear and you will look terrible.

Don’t make the mistake of thinking that the audience ears don’t matter but on the contrary they are more objective in what they hear than the musician. A fearless musician (as you improvise) who likes to turn himself to the public will have an impact on any audience. The layman opinion is of no less valid judgement than a Professional Musician..

In Fear, We Expect, - - - In Love, We Accept.

Keith Jarrett says “It is the individual Voice, present to itself that need to be heard. We need to hear the process of a Musician working on himself. We don’t need to hear who is more clever. Our cleverness has created the world we live in, which in many ways we’re sorry about.
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If the above does harbor some truth – then (Through No-Fear/Ego) DXS will grow very steadily & rapidly creating a very healthy environment for us all to have Fun with drumming as we all meet up and progress altogether in our each own’s individual way.

The experience at each DXS Monthly Meetup is to have Fun Drumming, not creating unnecessary pressure here.

This is just a General Statement, not implying on anyone – but it will be good, if we can all accept and think along the same line that – This is really what DXS is all about from the start.

Away with Measuring Our Own Self-Worth, Fear/Ego, and Being Afraid Of Sounding Bad at DXS is how all of us should now approach each DXS Meetup for 2008….and this will make the largest impact on us all towards better drumming as a Whole.

As stated above - In Fear, We Expect, - - - In Love, We Accept.
Wah seh Alfe...i feel all warm and fuzzy inside.HAHA!!!thanks thanks....=)

RD, what do you think of my suggestion for future meetups?I guess it will also open people up and make them feel less intimidated after hearing other drummers shed on the set...
23rd February will be a event at our new home - Jurong Green CC

May i know where when and what time is this exchange program?

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